Chap 1

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When I binged this great show in 2019, I was thinking of fanfic ideas. Then I came up with this after watching the Season 2 premiere. Enjoy!


'The pain will not overcome me, the pain will NOT overcome me!' Jane said to herself again and again as she tried to exercise while fighting against the pain in her left side.

It had been a month since the police station was shot up by a vicious killer. Her brother, Frankie, was shot, but barely lived. The criminal was shot, and she was also shot.

She could barely remember anything in the days that followed, other then her parents, Maura, Frost and Korak coming to visit.

Lately, these days, all she basically did was: Order a lot of junk from the Shopping channel, try to exercise, and do nothing else.

From what she had heard, she was being praised as a 'hero.' Which she didn't like, because she didn't think she was one in this situation.

The pain was quite intense. 'Please, this was nothing compared to what I was feeling after I was captured and tortured by that psychopath!' She often thought to herself.

Day after day, She griped through the pain, hoping that it'll eventually fade so she could return to work.

2 months later, She gets a notice saying she was going to be honored along side someone who had fought in a war zone for her bravery.

'Well, this is going to be fun!' She thought sarcastically to herself.

Pain will not overcome MeWhere stories live. Discover now