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Hey Yuki,
Know that I feel happy.
I can't get over you, you'll always be part of me, and our history will not fade away. I'll take care of it, I swear.
But, today, someone makes me happy, really. Like I've never felt since your death. I think it's love, don't you think?
Look at me, put your eyes on me, listen to the words I scream, to the words I wish to say to you. My voice does not know where you are, It can't touch you. At least, if you approach, if you try to hold my hand, perhaps you will understand... understand that my mind thinks of you, wherever you should be, wherever you certainly are, wherever you don't even are.
I'm happy Yuki, really. Yesterday, I would have cried (although no tears fall from my eyes) seeing snow, but now, I know that it's just you, trying to hold on and saying "Hey, Mafuyu, I'm glad you find someone else. Even though one day you forget me, our memories will always stand. I've loved you, since forever, and now, I'm able to look at you wherever, whenever, however, I want to. I'm the snow in your winter, I wish I'll never disappear. Mafuyu, I didn't leave you, I don't leave you. Keep singing, please, I'm so proud of you"
And I hear you Yuki. The wind conveys your words, the rain, crashing on my cheeks, is full of your feelings. I've loved you, Yuki. Sometimes, I think I still do. However, I'm letting my love run away, and my heart racing when I see someone else. It does not mean that I forget you, it means that I'm able to live again.
Thank you, Yuki.
You taught me everything I wanted to learn.
I'm so happy.

Hey, Yuki... (english version)Where stories live. Discover now