Catra and Marcy | She-Ra + Amphibia

15 0 0

Ashley -
Sprig -
Caitlin - Me


Let's pretend I already had an idea for this ahem...

In an alternate universe, where the Calamity Box brings Marcy, Anne and Sasha to Etheria, instead of Amphibia, Marcy is lost in the Horde, as, while she was training, she finds Catra

Catra: Hey! Watch your step!
Marcy: Sorr- woah
Catra: huh?
Marcy: I'm sorry lol, I can be very clumsy sometimes
Catra: oh seriously? I didn't noticed 

Catra slowly


Reached her hand out to marcy.
Catra: my name is catra, nice to meet you.
Marcy: Oh, I'm marcy! Where are we exactly..?
Catra: Well this is the hord..? Uhm.. where are you from?

Catra stud back a little as she thinks marcy is a spy from somewhere else in etheria.


Marcy: Somehow through a music box I... I bought from a charity shop back home.
Catra: What the heck is a music box?
Marcy: Okay well I don't know if it was actually a music box, I mean, they aren't meant to teleport people places soooo....
Catra: Wait... It has the power to teleport? Hm, that could be useful...
Marcy: Well, yeah, that's how I'm here, it's called the... Calamity box? I think? I saw it in a book!

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