Chapter 1: Mikumo

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It all started when Midoriya was 5 years old.

He was sitting at the dining table with his mother, who had made katsudon that night, happily humming the All Might theme under his breath.

It wasn't a particularly exciting Saturday, nothing extraordinary had happened earlier that day. Izuku went to kindergarten, 'played' with Kacchan, came home, watched All Might defeat a few villains on the television- nothing to signify anything going amiss.

But Inko definitely noticed when her son's smile faded, staring blankly forward for a few moments.

She furrowed her brow in worry as Izuku's eyes wandered around the apartment from where he sat, searching for something with a confused look on his features.

"Izuku, honey, is there something wrong?" Inko questioned gently, making the young boy peer up at her from where he was ducking under the table. That's where she first noticed the new sliver of red in his usually bright green eyes.

"Mom, is there anyone else here? I heard someone say something," Izuku asked, sitting back up in his chair, looking at Inko with innocent curiosity. She frowned in confusion, she didn't hear anything.

"No? It's just the two of us here, maybe it was just the neighbours?" She responded softly. Izuku looked as if he was about to agree and move on, when that hint of colour in his eyes suddenly engulfed half of their usual green. Izuku's brow suddenly furrowed as he looked up at his mom.

"I'm not the neighbours," Izuku stated, even though it sounded slightly more like a question. Inko's eyes widened, but before she could say anything, a strange... 'interaction' played out in front of her.

"Wha- I didn't say that?!"

"Of course you didn't, I did!"

"Wh-Who are you?! What's going on?!"

"I'm Izuku, and I dunno!"

"But I'm Izuku!"

"So we're both Izuku? That's not weird at all."

"Why are you in my body- Why do you have my name?!"

"What do you mean? This is my body!"

"Huh?! N-No it's not!"

"Is too!"

"I-Is not!"

"Is too!"

Inko blinked wildly as her son argued with... himself, bewildered by whatever was supposed to be happening. She had no idea what could have spurred this on- nothing abnormal happened during the day that could have caused something like... this.

When the young greenette tried to stand up from his seat, his limbs seemed to have a mind of their own, and he ended up falling face first onto the wooden floorboards. Inko gasped and quickly rose from her own seat, rushing to her son's side.

"Ow! What did you do that for?!" 'Izuku' growled, trying to push himself up from the floor.

"What do you mean?! I was trying to walk but you st-stopped me!" Izuku defended, his voice cracking, causing it to lose any intimidation it held.

"I stopped you?! I didn't do anything!"

"Y-Yes you did! My right leg didn't move, so you must have done something!"

"Oh so it's my fault huh?! Maybe you're just dumb and don't know how to walk!"

"Wh-what?! Of course I know how to walk!"

"Sure you do! Dummy!"

"That's enough!" Inko commanded, causing the 'boys' to look up at her in shock. Tears lined her green eyes as she crouched down to her son. Her expression soon softened along with her voice.

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