Introducing the puppy and kitten: how they were adopted. Part 1: the kitten

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Let's start from the beginning of my journey to becoming a owner of two very special boys. I want to tell you how I came to adopt not one but two hybrids. And even crazier most would think, adopting a puppy and a kitten which usually don't get along very well. The first one I adopted is my kitten, Haruka ( haru for short). Here's so I came to adopt him.

Before the boys came into my life, I was mostly home by myself due to living alone and I worked from home on my computer and on YouTube. I did enjoy the quite life but it was lonely at times when I wasn't working or keeping my mind active. So while I was on my computer I came across an add for a hybrid adoption day at my local daycare, I had seen hybrids before but never thought of getting one myself. So I clicked on the add and saw a few of the hybrids but one little black haired kitten hybrid caught my eye, he was by himself and didn't look happy. I clicked on his profile and started reading through his description.
Unnamed Black Kitten profile:
Name: unnamed
Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: cat
Hair color: black
Eye color: black
Small description: this kitten isn't the friendliest to most people, doesn't play well with other hybrids, and has a tendency to hiss and claw when we are trying to help him. But when by himself he seems to be lonely and wants to be held.

When I finished reading the description I thought it didn't give a lot of information about him, and it spoke more of his negatives more than positives. So I decided to take a chance and go meet the little hybrid kitten. I clicked schedule a meet and play appointment for him, which meant I would get to play and meet with him one on one to get to know him. I scheduled it for the next day as I was ready to meet him and see if he's the right pet for me.

* The next day at the adoption/daycare center *

I went in and was checking in with the front desk, I could hear various sounds coming from inside such as playing, running, the various age hybrids making there sounds. Soon the lady called me to a room where there was a table, chairs, toys, various bowls of cat treats ' I guessed it was set up for the kitten specifically', and there was a big beanbag in the corner that looked really big for any hybrid. When I heard the door open and I turned to look, I saw the black haired boy with black ears and a tail to match. He looked more nervous and scared than anything, he came over and sat on his knees in front of the table. He didn't meet my eye or really look at me at all, I gave him a soft smile as I sat on the other side of the table so I didn't push to get close to him. I saw he had his hands in his lap almost formal like but he wouldn't look up at me.

I looked at him giving a soft smile " it's ok to look at me sweetheart, you don't have to look down" I tried to soothe him a bit thinking he was scared that he would be punished for looking up

The kitten looked up just lightly seeing the warm smile of the young lady  " w-we aren't supposed to meet the eye of possible future owners miss. "

I thought that didn't make sense, they weren't slaves or animals. I looked at him meeting his eyes and seeing he was a very cute young kitten, but his eyes weren't bright and full of life as most young ones do.  " it's alright to look at me sweetheart, I want you to. I think it shows better respect, plus It's hard to get to know you when I can't see your face" I told him with a smile hoping to make him feel better

The kitten did feel a little better but not fully as he kept his formal look and pose, he continued to look at her " why did you want to meet me miss? The other people said I'm not going to get any one to meet me" he looked down with a small whimper after he said that

I was in shock to hear that, I wanted to wrap him in a hug and just hold him. But I knew I couldn't do that for manly reasons. So I reached over hesitantly and petted his black hair a bit and ears " there wrong, I wanted to meet you because I thought you were cute and could help me feel less lonely " I told him as I petted him

Life with a hyper puppy hybrid and a stubborn kitten hybrid Where stories live. Discover now