🎄・:,。★♪Merry X'mas♪★,。・:・🎄

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A/N: Um. A very awful Xmas Lams oneshot.


Alex was tired.

And it wasn't the usual tired. It was like a numb tired. He felt numb. He felt like he'd just woken up from sobbing all night. But, like, as if he'd only gotten a couple minutes of sleep after sobbing all night. Which wasn't that far off.

The destitute college student had had a harsh week. Four finals, six job interviews, two grant applications, and he still hadn't found a new roommate. So now Alex was living in his car. But finding a roommate wasn't the only thing on Alex's mind. Christmas was in two days.

Christmas felt more like a deadline to Alex. He had to have everything done by Christmas and New Years, so he could start the New Year off with a bang. And he did want that. He wanted a good year. But the Christmas deadline was gaining on him and he suddenly felt the pressure of buying Christmas presents. Because he was broke.

Oh, wait. He didn't have anyone to buy presents for anyway.

So it dawned on him that his Christmas would consist of sitting in his car, reading Lord of the Flies for the fifteenth million time. Maybe he'd play Jingle Bells on his kazoo. But nevertheless, he'd be spending Christmas alone.

Sighing, he spared the dark library one final look, before closing the main door and locking up. He shouldn't have been surprised at how dark it had become; his watch read well past ten o'clock. He sighed for probably the tenth time since he decided to finally lock up. 

It was a short walk to his car, to which he was grateful for. It was freezing and Alex realized he left his coat back inside, but there was no way he was going to unlock the building just to grab his coat. He tossed his backpack into the backseat, and grabbed a blanket, pulling it over his lap. He set his hands on the steering wheel, and felt sinking feeling of borderline homelessness. He wanted to cry, but he was too tired to. He shook his head to stay awake and turned the key in the ignition.

And that's when some random person jumped into the car.

Alex was too tired to even try to get mad or scream at this guy who was breaking into his car. He was bewildered and his brain struggled to process what was happening. He could have been dreaming, he thought. But wasn't there a rule if you knew you were dreaming in a dream, you'd die or something? Maybe he'd fallen asleep at the wheel and was about to head-on-collision his way to a premature death. That seemed like a reasonable possibility and not necessarily a bad one.

Before Alex could process anything else, the stranger, who Alex had noticed was very attractive, yelled, "Drive! For the love of whatever god you pray to, Drive you bastard!" 

"What?! Oh, uh--" 


Alex slammed his foot on the gas peddle and the car took off. There was silence as Alex kept driving, eyes ahead, now fully awake. Neither of them said anything, the only sound of both of their heavy breathing. Alex moved to turn on the heat, but stopped when he heard sirens. 

The stranger turned in his seat, seeing flashing lights, and laughed. He turned to Alex, who began to hyperventilate. "Drive faster," Mr Runaway ordered.

Alex swallowed hard, but accelerated the car. The lights weren't as close as before, but the sound of sirens rang loudly in Alex's ears. Both fear and exhaustion played a sweaty wrestling match in his mind. 

Alex glanced over at Mr Runaway, who was wiping his bloody lip on his tee shirt. He looked back at the road. There was no reason Alex should be helping him. He could be a murderer. Or a child molester. He was being chased by the cops, for Christ's sake, and Alex was stupid enough to help him by being his getaway car. 

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