Part 1

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Hi Guys, just wanted to say this is my first story!, so sorry in advances for any mistakes but l will try to keep that to a low but l hope you like it :) l will try to update as much as l can!!


"Alright, are we ready guys?" asked Arno, he stood there fixing his shoes, l was adjusting my belt making sure l had enough lock picks, as l looked up at Arno l nodded my head , he smiled back. "l certainly am!" yelled Marcel. He came over and places an arm around my shoulder. "So my dear Nicolette he says putting on a funny accent are you ready and prepared for the greatest hull we have every attempted?" I push him off laughing, "of course l am Marcel, it should be you that needs to be prepared. We don't want a repeat of last time right?" I heard Arno laugh, and Marcel's smiling face disappears and sadness washes over him. "Nicolette...", l noticed his face "oh brother, l am just teasing, we got away right?" l playfully shove him. His eyes light up, he pushes me back almost sending me straight on my ass. Lucky 2 hands caught me, "Nicolette!" Andre said as he caught me in the midst of my fall. He helped me back up "both of you stop horsing around, we have work to do" Andre narrowed his eyes at Marcel and I. Andre is always very serious but he has lighten up over the last couple months. I looked at Marcel and poked my tongue out. He pulls a hilariously face and l had to bite my lip to stop the giggles from escaping, Andre huffed and sighed and returned to Arno's side. Marcel and l both followed, "let's get going" Arno said and together we were off.

We closely followed crowds through the area of Versailles and it saddens me because Paris was in a state of utter chaos, the streets plagued with efforts of a revolution and men and women looked worn for wear. Beggars lined the streets, their clothes ripped and stain with the results from an unfair war, worst then my own. I tried not to look, life was hard and we tried our best to get through it. A thick blanket of fog covered Versailles, the air was suffocating, it were as it Versailles was cut off from the rest of Paris, forced to live in utter poverty. As we made our way through the endless crowds trying not to catch unwanted attention, we made our way to a small opening. "Okay" Arno breathe as he looked around to make sure no guards were close by. "Now Andre and l have scanned the area, we discovered that the chest is heavily guarded, more so than we thought, this will be difficult but c'mon l know we can do it!,". Arno looks at Marcel and l, l can tell Arno is worried about this one, he puts on a straight face, but we can't afford to miss this opportunity, hundreds of livres are sitting in that chest and those bloody extremists are guarding it, it rightful belongs to the people and we are taking it back. "Marcel and Andre, go hide when the time is right will you call on for you the distraction" Arno said. l gave Marcel a high five and Andre a hug before they left and disappeared into the crowd.

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