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"Erik Galen Menendez", rolls right off the tongue, don't ya think? He was the popular guy, mainly being know for how gorgeous he was, and his killer moves in tennis. Being almost unbeatable. He put up a pretty good facade, almost convincing to me. It worked wonders on the average Joe. I mean he was one of the best. But all that was behind the smoke a mirrors was a small, defenceless boy. I never truly knew why I liked him. But I'm positive he's straight. I mean they all are, but then they commit such lewd and disturbing acts. That it makes you wonder.. does a person even know what they like anymore.?

I'm being flippant, facetious even. Let's get on with things. I'm Y/n Valentine, son of a well-known business tycoon. Though that life is gone now. I live with my incompetent uncle in Beverly Hills with my older sister. I have h/c hair, e/c eyes, and I'm standing at a stature of 6'0. I tend to have a slightly muscular figure looking similar to Erik. It could seem as if I were nothing but a knock off replica. That's how others viewed me anyways. Everything is fine, I mean atleast it looks that way. But I'm not here to wallow in the pity of my past, let's move forth and set ablaze to a whole new chapter. Senior Year. Currently it's the final days of  summer '88. In the latter months of Sophomore year I look back on the tennis team. It was one of my favourite parts of school, life even. On the court I was a beast, a menace. Nobody could stop me unless I wanted them too. Though I never exactly went full-out. But if there was a time that did, it was with my first time practicing with Erik Menendez.

It was the final practice for junior year, and the coach decided to have small competitions against our fellow team members to ready ourselves for the tournament. I was lastly partnered with Erik, and so began the long winding minutes of our wills on the line to see who would mess up first. I was rather surprised how he was able to flawlessly serve the ball and seemingly put me into the worst places just for me to redeem myself and turn the tables back onto him. It was rather fun watching him crack from the pressure and the way his eyebrows twitched whilst seriously watching the ball waiting to counter. We went back and forth for what seemed to be hours, outlasting all our teammates matches. And for all we cared it could've gone longer than it did. For majority of the match I was ahead by 5-6 points maintaining what I had, and getting risky every so often to hold the title of winning.

That was until Erik's father, Jose Menendez showed up to practice. He watched Erik and I volley, serve, and counter with such ferocity. Honestly, he looked so mad. Livid even, and I could tell Erik had noticed this too. As his moves were becoming desperate, risky. Too risky. This added on to my worry. But I played it off and exaggerated my movements faking it as if my stamina was depleting itself. Letting Erik creep his way past me and get in some serious hits that made me pitied as if there was no chance for me. With the end, the score was 60-48. Erik won. Now if I did actually try harder in the end we could've tied, or I might've won even. But I can't put him through that, not while being aware of what his father could do to him for losing. I won't allow it, if I have to I'll sacrifice my whole being for him, as I cannot allow Erik to endure more than he might already have.

Putting the racket aside, rolling up my shirt to where it was around my neck as it was too hot outside. I swiftly walked over to Erik and his father congratulating him on his win. "You did amazing out there! Honestly, you have to teach me that killer serve sometime." I said while taking a sip of water feeling a strand of sweat roll down my cheek. In response Erik smirked before nodding his head slowly in recognition, before going to change. "You too, I'll have to watch out for you Y/n.", Erik said.

After he walked away I sat down in a chair nearby while finishing up the rest of my water. Soon I looked up to notice Jose, who was beginning to say something. He said, "Your quite good. I've never seen someone get so close to him in a match before. I think I recognise you though.. are you related to Malcolm Valentine?" I forced out a dry laugh, "Oh yes, I am. Y/n Valentine. And thank you! I do intend on beating your son in a rematch eventually. I'll do whatever it takes." He chuckled at the response and started to look me up and down thinking I hadn't noticed. Being disturbed I got up quickly and played it off as if I forgot to do something and that I'd be late if I didn't go soon. While walking away I passed Erik, and heard him go over to his father and within seconds a argument ensued.

Since that practice I've realised that Erik is not as good at hiding things as he once was. But it's not my place to say anything. I am doing the same thing.

(This is my first work so it is going to be a bit rough.. but if you have any recommendations just let me know! Also this is a male reader x Erik Menendez. If you guys want I can make a female reader x Erik Menendez too. Also this is tbc, and unfinished. Plus the next chapter is probably going to be a character analysis to give you information on the characters and such.)

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