Prologue: 100 Years Before

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I can't help but blink stupidly at Ella, who bites her lip nervously. " lost the slipper?" Ella shifts on her dainty fit, anxious, "Well yes, but not on purpose." Is she completley mad? Still in disbelief, my voice raises, "How do you accidentally lose a magic slipper, made from moonlight? Tell me Ella, how does that happen?" Pouting Ella plops down on her bed, "I don't know!" We were dancing one moment- my, he's such a good dancer, and the way his hands-" "Ella! Focus!" Rolling her eyes, Ella continues on, "Just when I think he was about to propose, the clock struck twelve and I had to hurry away, I couldn't have him seeing me in those horrid rags stepmother had given me now could I?" Those 'horrid rags' had been a gift from your stepmother you little tart, and a pricey one too but that was besides the point. "And during all of that, how'd you lose the damned slipper?" Ella picked at a loose thread on her sleeve. "I was running down the stairs and the slipper fell off, almost broke my neck just so you know." At this point, I was tempted to do just that, but instead I clenched my teeth, immensely irritated. "How would it have slipped off when it was made specifically for you?" There was clearly a hole in this story, and I was going to find it. I had given up half of my collection of vampire teeth- don't ask how I got them, it's a long story. "Well..." When she didn't finish I snapped at her "Well? I don't have all day here!" After a moment Ella burts out "I might possibly be with child." I gape at her. Oh hells. "What?" Ella crosses her arms glancing at me from beneath her lashes. "Well, we only danced for an hour and then the Prince decided he wanted to talk to me...alone. We went to his private garden and well...we didn't do much talking. I was in such a hurry to leave once midnight struck but I was barely clothed, so I was struggling with one of the slippers, but decided to leave it or else he'd have caught me."
If I was human, I would have fainted.
Or rung her stupid little neck but would you look at that, I'm unfortunately not human and was bound to a contract. Yay me.
"So, you slept with the prince, lost a one of a kind shoe I provided behind, and to top it all off you believe you're pregnant. Do I have that right?" Smiling Ella states a proud, "Yes, can you believe it? I'm going to be Queen!"
I almost leap from my perch on the window sill, hoping the pain will at least convince me this is a dream. One of those nonsensical very idiotic ones. "How? He hasn't got your name now has he?" Ella puckers her lips in thought, "Hmm you're right...Oh! I know! He'll recognize my face!" Sighing I roll my eyes "No Ella, the purpose of the spell wasn't to only give you a nice gown and shoes, it was also to make you unrecognizable." Ella frowns, blue eyes narrowing. "Well that's stupid." I point at her "It's what you asked for, you idiot! Remember? You said 'I don't want him to recognize me if actually looks like a troll. How embarrassing would that be?'" I start pacing, irritated and head pounding. Ella pouts "Well come on Godmother, what should we do" I shush her "Shut the hells up I'm thinking on it." My mind is racing. This was supposed to be an easy job. Help the poor attractive girl get her dream come true. That was the contract, that's what i signed up for. Not 'help the idiot who doesn't stick to the damn plan.' After a while it hits me. "Okay Ella, this is gonna be a bit of a long game but as long as you do everything I say, there should be no issues got it?" Ella nods "Sure! What's the plan" As I relay the plan her eyes start glazing over. "Ella, what did I say?" Ella comes to, "Um, something about shoe fittings? Or maybe it was-"
I sigh loudly and cover my face with my hands.
This is harder than it should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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