Chapter one

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{ As you might have noticed (or not, hello! If this is your first time reading this story) It might be good to know that I have changed it a couple of times, and again, now. I know it might upset some of you (if you are still here from 2015). But I figured it's better if I do some improvements on the whole story. (I'm still keeping the head idea, just changing some things to make it better)


Rachel walked down the street getting closer and closer to her favorite guitar shop, she strutted down the road, holding the necklace around her neck tightly with her small hands. She did not care about what other people thought or did.

Maybe that's the way you change after someone near you dies. Other people can't get to you the same way afterwards.

 After he passed away everyone started to act differently around her, even her family did, because of Michael's death. Close friends suddenly was not that close anymore, apparently. 

She did not blame them, She understood why they withdrawn themselves. For a long period of time, she wished she could too. 

The necklace was a birthday present from him, he put it on her and clasped it around her neck. Ever since that day she hasn't taken it off, almost as if she's scared to. 

She probably would of, if he hadn't passed away that is. But because it's the only thing she has left of him, it has remained clipped around her petite neck.

"It is ridiculous how small your neck is" Michael said, caressing it with his big hands. He used to have his hands there, did not matter if they were in public, he just did not care. If wanted to, he did it. It was just the way he was. Usually it was something Rachel adored about him, she was fascinated by it. Maybe that was the reason why she could not hate him when his rough hands gave her bruises. 

He couldn't be responsible for being so emotional. He said, she could hit him too. She just never did. She was not as carefree, emotional or wild. He reminded her about that a lot. They were just different, polar opposites. She was calm, secure and happy most of the time. He, outrage and depressed. She made him happy. That was what everyone said at least. 

She remembers one time when Michael lost his temper with her, It was at a game their school had. He went with his friends, and she came with hers. It was mostly a misunderstanding between the both of them. Michael did not know Noah was going to be there. Even though he was her best friend of eight years.


the night ended with a black eye for Rachel, and she had never felt more self hatred for herself than when she got into Michal's moms black jeep, telling her Noah was the one causing her black eye. Poor Noah even admitted to it. The teachers did not buy it though and Michael got a five weeks long detention, and Rachel another black eye.

 He would of been proud of Rachels sudden carefree mindset. 

Calum hood

Calum was walking down the streets with his friends, Angelica was walking next to him trying every method she had read online on him. The eye contact while licking her lips thing was kind of working, he was not going to lie, It made him feel some kind of way. But what was up with trying to give him constant advice. She was not his mother, nor his girlfriend either, she sure acted like it though. He didn't understand why girls thought he would want someone to critic every fu#ken thing he did. And Angelica was his worst critic. At least he thought. 

She was a good fûck, but nothing more. Sure they did go to fancy restaurants, golfing, dancing, bowling and even travled together, but only when he didn't feel like bringing Luke, he didn't have manners, was not very good at golfing and most certainly could not dance. Angelica was a pro at all of those things, and she'd let him have his hand a little too high up her skirt in the golf cart. Only if she was driving though. 

Angelica was one of a kind, and he knew it. Everyone told him as well, there was honestly a miracle that she had put up with him for so long. Their thing had been on and off for 4 years and Calum still wouldn't call her his girlfriend, he wouldn't even say that they were dating. Angelica once cried for days after he had referred to her as his sister on their vacation in the Bahamas. He didn't feel too much guilt for it, he took her to the Bahamas for god sake. Just a pity to cry over something that small he thought. 

It did not make the crying situation better when he came to their bungalow with two other girls, the same night as they got there.

"I can't cheat on my sister Angel" he joked at breakfast the morning after. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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