Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end

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I rewrote this chapter with the help of one of my best friends @ziggyiguess  so creds to them as well!!

This is from Hali's pov


It had been a long morning, with the sun high in the sky by the time Hali concluded training in mid-air as well as on land attack methods and defences. The young royal's complexion had tanned in the summer heat, even in the chill of the North, and her light-coloured wings that looked as if they were dipped in glistening caramel shimmered under the warm rays of the sun as she strolled through the gardens, now with a lot less enthusiasm than a year ago.

Her thoughts returned to the previous year, to a moment of calm and comfort in her life, when she had bounded down the pathways admiring huge blossoms with?@&! Prior to being ushered inside for dinner. Hali's thoughts raced to recognise the person she remembered missing so much, but all that came up was a blank with nothing to replace it.

How upsetting.

The memories brought a small smile upon her face as she got through the beautiful garden filled with large patches of flowers that could mesmerise anyone walking by and berry bushes that the heir would occasionally steal from and feed to the crows that came to her window every day(no one had to know). She approached the large walls of the castle before walking through the grand doors. As she pushed the two open, a sudden warmth suddenly swallowed her as she felt as if she were in a warm embrace as it pricked at her skin. The young royal trudged towards her personal wing, an ache spiking her shoulders, a clear reminder of her brutal training only minutes prior. Her wings tucked neatly behind her as she straightened her back, not wanting to seem unroyal like, she shivered under the thought of the look her mother may give her if she is seen walking in such a manner.

Hali sank onto her bed after finally reaching her wing, fatigue wracking her body. The comfort of the bed made her eyes feel heavy; her eyes fluttered closed, her body grasping at a chance to shut down and recover from the brutalities of training. Her pointed ears perked up when she heard a knock at her door and quickly straightened out her attire so she doesn't appear to be one minute away from slipping into the gentle embrace of sleep when she opened the door.

"Hello your highness, your mother has called me to fetch you for a quick word."

"Alright, tell her I will be down in 5 minutes" Hali's voice rang out and she closed the door as the younger servant stood outside the door.

She quickly changed out of her training clothes and into her more acceptable attire which included a deep royal blue turtleneck that would be underneath a pale dress shirt that had carefully crafted frills in the middle of the collar, say where a tie may go, along with golden additions including accents along the rim of collar and each of the frills. Hali started to tie a navy blue waist corset belt, tightening it so it felt secure enough for her to trust the fact it won't fall or come loose. The velvety texture making her cringe slightly as her hand brushed up against it as she added her respective jewellery. This included necklaces, earrings, chains and most importantly her crown.

This crown had been given to every single crown prince or princess, and was kept in their possession until they get crowned. This crown had the smallest of details from small doves ingrained into the base of the crown to signal purity to larger aspects including complex designs along the crown and large gems placed with uttermost care and patience nearly 100 years ago ; back when the kingdom had first formed from the ruins of the Arctic Kingdom where it grew to become larger and stronger than any kingdom or empire that haunted the land previously. The crown felt light as she hurried to put on long, black, skin tight opera gloves and rushed outside with her cape being adjusted so it would let her shoulders and wings be exposed through the gaps on either side as they connected at her neck.

Using the shortcuts to her advantage, the elytrian was able to make it to her mother's throne room. The only ever time she was called down was about upcoming events she'd be forced to attend and what-not so it was safe to say she wasn't overly excited when she was called down. Hali wasn't stupid and understood that it was something about that damned summer festival where her mother went off to every year. Leaving, no, abandoning her child to rule over a whole empire at age 15.  But she did not express this in anyway nor leaving any trace that she had even thought of it. It was a skill she was forced to learn and accept at a young age, so that everything private wouldn't be revealed to the public. The younger royal looked up to meet the eyes of the royal highness and felt a sense of nausea seep into her pores.


Lets just say that Hali was not expecting to hear the fact she would be going to Anthopia to meet up with a bunch of heiresses (which included her current best friend) to set up the summer festival and represent their kingdoms and empires. Her face blew into bright grin when she reached her study and she felt as if she could just frolic around it in pure joy. 

She fell asleep with a huge smile on her face for the first time in years.         


We'll meet again

Don't know where 

Don't know when 

But I know,

We'll meet again 

Some sunny day        


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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