Chapter 1

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ORIGINAL WRITER:Luminescent_purplelilac

Tenshukaku High, April 7th, Monday, 8:30 am

Cherry blossoms were blooming this week, petals were falling onto the school pavement, and it was just an ordinary day in Tenshukaku High.

Sara, as usual, sat quietly waiting for the teacher to arrive, while her classmates chatted.

"Morning Sara!"

"Good morning Sara,"

two familiar voices greeted her, "Morning Lumine, Morning Ayaka." She greeted back In her usual nonchalant voice.

Lumine and Ayaka were Sara's best friends and only friends. Sara met Lumine back in elementary school and has been friends ever since. Lumine and Sara met Ayaka two years ago when they started high school, Sara often limited herself to what friends she could have since some of them may be a "disturbance" to her life that was oh-so-perfect. Fortunately, Lumine and Ayaka were able to cross all the boxes for her standards, and she also enjoyed spending time with them.

"So, how was your spring break guys?" Lumine asked as she sat down next to Sara.

"Pretty great!" Ayaka quickly answered as she sat down next to Lumine, "we went to Watatsumi island for vacation, it was pretty cool!"

"Isn't that where the Sangonomiya shrine is?" Lumine questioned,

"Yep, What about you Sara?" Ayaka asks,

"Fine I guess, I was able to do some advance studies," Sara answered with a monotone voice.

"On vacation?!" Lumine sighed, feeling distraught that her friend spent her vacation studying, "you know, you're always just studying Sara, why don't you do anything fun or exciting? you could have gone with us to Ritou Island for your vacation, Aether and I, were able to buy so much stuff,"

"Sorry for not going with you, but I don't need a vacation, much less spend my earnings on useless items, when there's so much to do Lumine," Sara answered.

"When are you gonna start living your life, Sara? you can't just possibly live like this, I know I can't," Lumine reasoned,

"Too boring for you?" Ayaka giggled

Lumine and Ayaka kept talking back and forth, while Sara watched quietly in the background while her two friends chatted, "just another ordinary day," Sara thought in her mind.

Ei arrived shortly after their small talk, Ei was their homeroom teacher and always wore a serious expression, and as soon as she arrived the whole class turned silent and returned to their designated seats,

"Miss Ei always had such an intimidating aura," Sara thought to herself.

Ei walked in and presented herself in front of the class, leaving the door open,

"That's weird, she doesn't usually do that," Sara said to herself.

"Morning class," Ei started, "I would like to inform you all that we will have a new student joining us for the school year. Everyone, I'd like you all to meet- "

Before she could finish speaking, suddenly a young man burst inside the room.

"Hey everyone!" A young man with disheveled long white hair and a boisterous attitude greeted the entire class.

"Prepare yourself for the one, and only Arataki 'numero uno' Itto, leader of the Arataki gang! Well...ex-leader ever since I moved away from my hometown...but anyways I'm looking forward to meeting you all!" A wide smile plastered on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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