Chap 1

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'Well Mr. Richman, it appears you have appendicitis.' The doc said.

'What? Well, What does that mean?' Max asked.

'It means your appendix is not well. And based on it's condition right now, it might burst if it's not taken care of.'

'So, what do I do? Take medicine for it?'

'Actually, we operate on it.' The doc said.

'OPERATE?!' Max shouted.

'It's a simple operation. We remove the appendex, you spend the night here, and if things look good, we send you home the next day.'

'And what if I refuse?'

''If you refuse, your appendex will likely burst, and you'll die.'


'I need to think about this for a minute. Give me a few minutes with my girlfriend.' Max said.

The doc left the room.

'What is there to question, Max? You get the operation, you live! What is there to question?' Zoey asked.

'I have a fear of being put to sleep. Like, what if I never wake up?' Max responded.

'Understandable. But this is a simple operation that's been done several times! There's almost nothing to fear! What would you rather do? Let your fear lead to your demise? Because I don't think a burst appendex would be the best way to go out.'

Max still didn't wasn't sure what to do.

'Think of it this way: You get the operation and live, we get a lot more time to spend together! More heart songs to sing to each other! I don't think dead people can sing to me, at least right now.' Zoey said.

'Hmm. Okay. I'll do it.'

The next day

'How you feeling?' Zoey asked.

'Tired, I feel like there's a hole in my stomach. But I feel pretty good.' Max responded. 'Thanks.'

'What are girlfriends for?'

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