I Found, Then I Lost: School Version

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Author's Note: I wrote this short story for a school project to scare an extra credit towards graduation. "I found, Then I Lost" is based off of real events with real accurate dates. This story is a retold version of what I went through May of 2021. The situation took a lot out of me, but I was able to pick up the pieces and put myself back together. I'm doing much better nowadays, and the situation even got be back into writing stories, and even jumpstarted my interest in writing poetry. Speaking of poetry, the sections that are quoted and written in bold/italic text are poems that I had written solely for this story. They're meant to provide deeper insight into the emotions of Ambrose. This isn't the complete version of the story; as I said, this was written for school and I didn't have enough time to write the full story so I had to cut it pretty short and change half of it. I don't know when I'll be ready to write my version, but I will post it by the end of summer. If I haven't, I'm possibly burnt out and need more time. With that being said, I really do hope you love reading this just as much as I loved writing it. Enjoy.


"I love you"

It's what she had told him.

The words ran through his head.

They played alongside the same broken notes he pieced together. Anything to remember her exhilarating voice.

To try and match the notes she sung in her deception.

Her perfect illusion...

Her web of lies.

He had caught himself in it... he was still caught in it.

"Deities sang whispers of tragedy. Trapped in a dome of lights... I gaze into chocolate orbs; the longer I sought, the deeper I fell into the pools of ecstasy and misery. Her pleasurable, starry, inferno."

He thought the four walls he had put himself in would give him security.

A pathetic attempt of the safeness her arms used to give him.

He thought the bronze liquid would ease the pain.. but it only dragged him deeper into the abyss that was her.

He kept replaying her giggles.

Her smile.

The way her eyes would invite him in.

Invite him in to hold her, kiss her, claim her. But she never did belong to him; not like she had led him to believe.

The bourbon cascaded down his throat going straight to his heart. The inflammation pierced him right where she left her mark.

Where she planted her claws.

Where she dug and tore, ripping his soul from his body and dragging it into the fiery pits of hell.

The bourbon pooled there, endeavoring to fill the hole she left.

But it didn't stay.

Instead, it continued its journey. The amber liquid filled his stomach, and with it, despair.

A single tear fell from his eye. He sat the half-empty bottle down at his bedside table and curled back into a ball. He pulled the covers over him and let out a sigh.

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