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"Hey Hey! wake up" i open my eyes and see Emma crying
Y/N:"what happened?"
Emma:"we lost the match"
Y/N:"im sorry.."
Emma:"its not your fault!"
Y/N:"are we gonna have another one or?"
Emma:"yeah...,they said that now we will have a match with hunters who have more than 2.0 difficulty"
Emma:"we will make it this time!"
Emma:"are you ready?"
Y/N:"always been ready"
Emma:"hehe! thats the Y/N i know!!"
The match is starting but something feels odd, I'll be back to see where we are, we are in Lakeside..., this isn't gonna be good
                 "MATCH STARTED"
Aesop: "focus on decoding guys ok?"
Kurt & Emma shake their head as a response
Y/N:"we will win this time! lets go do it"
it started, we all go in different places but doing the same thing , i got closer to the chiper machine but then i realised that there are cameras scattered everywhere , is it the new hunter? did he put them here? for what? well this is quite interesting, for some minutes i got lost in my thoughts but then i realised that i messed up the calibration , i must run its not safe here anymore! aww men and the chiper was 78℅ done what a failure...., hey hey wtf??? my heart starts racing faster and faster i look back to see if the hunter is there but ..there is no one?? i stoped running and i checked my surroundings to see if the hunter is there but with no luck, i found no one.
what kind of ability does this hunter has?? its weird very weird, the cameras scattered everywhere and now my heart racing but the hunter is not here..its weird, 'AGH' i felt a slashing on my back, i look to see who is it and i see the hunter! a elegant dressed man with white hair and a long sword , i started running , fast fast i need to go faster! one more impact and im dead! i dont wanna end up on a fucking rocket chair!!
where the hell is Emma when u need her?!?!? i think he lost me, my heart isn't racing anymore, well that was scary ngl -
Y/N:"EMMA!! HELP!" i shouted so Emma could come and fucking help me because she took the medical case from Emily, i search near every chiper machine but no one is there???
Y/N:"HELP! SOMEONE??" im panicked, where is everybody???? i put my hand on my chest where the wound is, blood is getting on my hands drop with drop, i lay on the grass with hope that somebody will find me...emma,aesop,kurt someone...,
after some time passed with my blurry vision i see a tall figure in front of me, Kurt? is that you? please help me i cant move...i feel so much pain...
i rubb my eyes and try to see properly,
the tall figure i have seen is the..HUNTER?? i immediately get up and get away from him
???:"no need to be cautious"
Y/N:"w what do you want?"
???:"you're the last one, i finally found you , i still cannot believe that you've been on the grass for a hour aren't you cold already?"
Y/N:"last one? a hour?..."
???:"oh mon chéri (my dear) , it has been 2 hours since your friends returned back to the manor"
Y/N:"i cannot go back, not yet...if we lose this match we are as dead..."
the hunter got closer to me
???:"its my job as a hunter to win or lose the game , my apologies chérie"

huh only one?...if i could manage to find Emma's medical kit i could self heal!
???:"well well, seems like you got no choices left"
Y/N:"actually i got 1 one left and that means that ur gonna get ur shit rocked" i started running to the north gate, there was a chiper machine i bet that Aesop found it too! finally here, i check the chiper machine and i see that its 83℅ done! thank you Aesop ughh i love u so much for this thank you! I've done all the calibrations , almost done! cmon 98% , 99% ANDDDD 100% !! YES! YES!
i get to the gate and start codding the password! im gonna win! i need to win! i need to win this match for Emma, Kurt and Aesop!! 65% CMONN
YES DAMN YES !! 85℅! ALMOST DONE CMON CMON!! I BET THE HUNTER IS AT THE WRONG GATE! HAHA MUST SUCK FOR HIM! 90% , 91% , 92% 93% , 94% , 95% , 96% , 97% , 98% ! AND FINALL-
                    TERROR SHOCK!
my...wound ah it hurts so much..i get on the grass due to being incapable of standing up because of the wound
???:"oh! finally, it got really boring"
Y/N:"i need to win this match.."
???:"sorry dear, maybe next time"
the hunter starts to tie me up , i never thought im gonna cry in front of a hunter..so emberassing, im a failure..,
the hunter got face to face with me and wiped some of my tears away
???:"dont cry," "not yet."
so im crying my shit here and this mf wanna make it worse? wow ok ,
he gets to me and holds up my chin
???:"such a shame...you're so fragile in my hands"
Y/N:"what do you mean?.."
???:"did you thought im just gonna let you go so easily? haha! no way"
Y/N:"who are you?"
???:"aha its time for introductions, my name is Joseph, yours?"
Y/N: "mine is (Y/N)"
Joseph:"such a fascinating name"
oh i know who he is now, gosh why did i got to end up with the creep? out of 20+ hunters i ended up with the most cruel one, Antonio please come and kill me already...
Joseph:"come closer my amor"
Y/N:"why dont you get closer, scared?"
Joseph chuckles and gets closer to me, to close...
Y/N:"what now?"
Joseph:"lets play a game alright? i'll give you 10 seconds to run away from me and hide, if i caught you, you lost but if i didn't cought you in those 10 minutes you win!"
Y/N:"10 minutes?!"
Y/N:"yikes i should get away"
Joseph started to count as i get away from him, i need to search for the dungeon , i go in the first place where it should be but its not there..maybe i'll have more luck at the next one!
...after searching on more places where the dungeon needs to be i found nothing..i searched in 6 places already! its to dangerous who knows where that asshole is?? all i know is that he can teleport, but as long as my heart is not racing its alright!

Joseph:"found you mon chéri"
Y/N:"igh i lost.."
Joseph lifts me on his shoulder and gets in the basement with me
Y/N:"what , the basement?im gonna get chaired ain't i?...."
Joseph:"if i want to maybe"
Joseph lefts me down and pats me on my head just like a dog
Joseph:"now be quiet"
Joseph touched one of his cameras and it transformed into an projector???
I followed Joseph, we got in a black-white colored world
Joseph:"no one can see us here mi amor"
Joseph:"now, sit down"
Y/N:"wait what"
Joseph:"dont make me repeat myself"
i obey his 'command' just to know the reason why we are here
Joseph:"wanna get out? wanna win this match?"
Y/N:"yes! i would do anything to win this match" i dont even hesitate to tell him that, he knew that i would do anything
Joseph got closer to me with a smile on his face , he started to pat me
Joseph:"good , now listen carefully"
Joseph:"untie your hair and lie down on the grass"
Y/N:"huh , but why?"
Joseph ignored that question and he waited for me to untie my hair, i did as he wished to, now Joseph come to me and put my hands in a position remarkable with my body , he gets his camera and-
click , click
Y/N:"thats all?"
Joseph:"you wanted more? oh y/n i didn't knew you're a masochist"
Y/N:"im not-, im just surprised that all i needed to do is this"
Joseph smirked and got closer to me enough that i could've felt his breath
Joseph:"see u again later y/n"
then i realised that Joseph still had his sword, ugh that asshole he lied! in the last moment i got hit hard by Joseph and he chaired me in the basement...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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