- intro -

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this story contains swearing, violence, action, graphic depictions of gore and blood, war, and sexual assault. i'll add tws at the beginning of specific chapters in which these occur

current status: ongoing, first draft

age range: 13+ (targeted at young adults)

genre: dystopian/fantasy

timeframe: undecided, early 2010s maybe?

schedule: none right now, just whenever i write more lol

extra note: hey wonderful people <3 i'm not sure how obvious it is that i originally wrote this when i was 12 but i'm working to rewrite it now. it's my first actual story and i got way too attached to the characters so i decided to stick with it. there's a lot that i still don't like (plot, pacing, some of the worldbuilding, etc) but i'm trying to fix it lol hope you like it :)

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