The begning

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My grandmother was always a very strange woman, but it got worse as she got older she started to have these episodes. she would just wonder out of the house mumbling " it follows it watches".  When it first started we just saw it as dementia or Alzheimer's so we did int mind it much, but then things started to happen around the house. they were small but noticeable at first. as my grams episodes got worse so did the interactions, but as time went on and she just got to the point were we had to put her in a care home. The very next day after things just stoped the missing of my things the lamp being thrown across the room it just finally stoped. I had a normal life until a few days later a day i will never forget. The thing that has been stalking messing destroying this house and has been in my dreams since the day she left. I finally saw it i shouted " Who are you what do you want" all it dose is mumble to it self chucked and fade into the air. Call me crazy but i think grandma keep this beast at bay for all those years until she finally left. I could tell that she was at ease the day she left the house. Its almost like the thing kept her there all those years and i finale took her out. I lifted the curse from her and passed it on to me with out even knowing. Maybe she knew this would happen if she acted the way she did she knew i would put her there. That i would not be able to take care of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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