MHA Rewrite #5: Rosaliá Being Badass *SEASON 4/5 SPOILERS*

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(FINALLY another update!! If that's what you're thinking, I feel the same way too. I finished this with a surge of motivation to give Rosaliá the love she deserves. She's definitely one of my more underrated OCs and I hope you guys can appreciate a badass queen on the brink of death like I can.

Whoops! Already spilled too much... If you choose to read this My Hero Academia rewrite, I hope you love it! Read ahead if you want! I'd recommend you start this banger at the point with "**" in front of it.

TW: Profanity, violence and Endeavor cameo >~<)

Rosaliá vs. The Ultimate Nomu


Rosaliá Cortéz felt her nostalgia in her chest as she stared at the gigantic creature battling it out against two familiar faces. Usually, she didn't get along with Hawks and Endeavor, but her brown eyes twinkled at seeing them. The twinkle in her eyes was revived from witnessing something noble finally taking place in Japan. The real heroism that made her want to be in Japan in the first place. Almost out of impulse, the Hispanic woman sought out to support the two heroes. Usually, she didn't get along with them, but helping them out now would mean putting their baggage aside. As prideful as Rosaliá was, all she could crave now was the opportunity to do what she always wanted. That opportunity was handed to her on a silver platter, and she couldn't ignore it any longer.

Rescuing an entire city, huh? She thought. "Not without me, you're not!" The retired part-time villain, Madre Corazon, huffed and sprinted. Her breathing felt unstable as the battle between Hawks, Endeavor, and the giant Nomu grew closer-

The brunette's vision blurred as someone tackled on top of her and the sound of a damaged car clamored further away than it did seconds before. "Dabi?" Everything felt hazy, but somehow she could recognize the villain's scent. Rose felt shock inch into her system as the faintest odor of cigarette smoke flooded her nose. "Rose?" The villain's voice deflated.

The brunette twirled her wrist around a few times. Good, I can still move a little bit. Wow, Dabi did save me. Huh. She thought to herself. "A little thank you would be nice, Rose." Dabi remarked. "What shit did you get yourself into this time, Dabi?" Rosaliá Cortéz scowled and paused in thought. Her neutral brown eyes flickered from the fallout to the fire wielding villain over and over. " brought the giant Nomu here, didn't you?" Rosaliá growled with disapproval. "Don't act like you haven't been a criminal too, Rose. You aren't the only one who hasn't been on their best behavior since they got involved with the hero society shit. You were one of the people who encouraged me since the beginning, and only now are you holding back." He sneered defensively. "To an extent, I didn't think you would go this far! This is a new low, even for you. I can't believe I ever thought you were a good person." The heart controller frowned with resentment in her tone. "I'm going to try to help those two douchebags, whether you want me to or not." Rosa insisted sourly, pushing him away from her.

"I'm not ready to lose someone else!" He raised his cracking voice. Blood was gradually dripping down his cheeks, droplet by droplet. "I'm not ready to lose my morals as a human being." She huffed before staring at him with familiar sympathy. A sigh escaped Rosaliá's lips as she stepped closer to the villain and delicately held him in her arms, like he was made of glass. "I didn't mean what I said earlier. I'm sorry but I have to do this, Dabi. This is the opportunity to be noble that I've been waiting for since I came here. I...I hope you'll understand." Rosaliá apologizes and rubs his hands in hers.

"If you have to, then go." Dabi croaked and held her back for a few moments. "Dabi-" "Go!" He raised his voice with dulled eyes. A familiar sense of abandonment reincarnated inside of the villain. He wanted to dump all that in the pits of Tartarus, but it was too late to forget.


Rosaliá's heart throbbed in her chest as Dabi faded from her view. "I'll be fine!" Rose yelled at him as she sprinted back towards the fallout. With guilt embedding itself in her chest, each frantic step felt harder to take. But who was Rosaliá going to be if she neglected this opportunity to use her powerful quirk the way she wanted? Who would she be if she held herself back from being the hero for once?

**The closer she grew to the Nomu, the more her adrenaline spiked. "Endeavor, there's a civilian down there! You need to get her out of the way!" Rosaliá scowled at the number two hero's voice and flipped him off. "That's sexist." She grunted to herself. Rosaliá's eyes darted around the area as she searched for a place that her quirk would work enough to hit the Nomu. Even in Mexico and America, she tried to save people and never really fit in as a normal person. "Get her out of the way!" Endeavor yelled back at his comrade.

"Um, I think the fuck not!" Rosaliá growled, unintentionally grabbing the Nomu's attention. "Ah shit." She muttered as the Nomu started taking gargantuan steps toward her. The two male heroes scowled at being ignored, but took this opportunity to continue offensive approaches against the monster. Now or never, Rose. You can't die yet. She thought to herself, imagining it was her abuela's voice encouraging her to kick some ass. Rosaliá stamped her foot into the ground with her flickering eyes, ensuring her power would work where only she and the Nomu stood. Good, no one else is- She tumbled out of the Nomu's way, almost getting stepped on in the process of defeating the beast. "Sweet fucking Jesus, this thing isn't going to give me a break." Rosaliá groaned softly as it continued to pursue her, "Dabi, I'm giving you an ass whooping if I live after this."

After gaining enough distance from the giant Nomu to not fear her survival but also use her quirk successfully, the older woman stamped her foot into the ground she shared with it once more. She did a flip before stamping her foot again and placing her hands on the ground. "DIE, YOU PAIN IN THE ASS!!!" Rosaliá made her throat-straining battle cry, as she channeled her energy into using her quirk to attempt stopping the Nomu's heartbeat. The ground beneath her jolted and practically bounced underneath her as she sensed the Nomu weakening. Her concentration was essential for her quirk to work properly. Usually, she needed to close her eyes for it to work, but this time she had to make an exception. Too much was at stake for her to give up for the sake of stronger control over the monster's heart.

If it didn't work, then she was royally fucked. But it had to work, since all beings have some form of a heart. Right?

Rosaliá's brown eyes flickered open, and she noticed the beast struggling to keep its balance. It does have a heart after all! But how, and why? Rosaliá thought to herself excitedly. Ugh, focus! She maneuvered her thoughts back into focusing on the next move. She had no weapons aside from her powers, and there wasn't any backup that would actually do what she said- "Just keep doing that! Yeah, that!" Rosaliá hollered to the two heroes. Hawks saluted her while Endeavor was obviously not pleased with being told what to do in public. "We're on the same side now, Endeavor! Suck it!" She yelled back with an unnatural smirk on her face. Her grin faltered as she was obligated to pouncing onto the ground and reusing her quirk.

I can't stop it completely, but I can make it easier to destroy. As much as I hate to say it, Endeavor, Hawks, this one is up to you! She thought to herself before feeling her consciousness slowly drain out of her. I left that boy behind. I deserve this for trying to do something right with my life. Rosaliá thought to herself as her attention faltered. A smile slid onto her face at the Nomu struggling to defeat the two heroes right before fainting in the middle of the battlefield. Her work was done.

At least, until a certain someone brought her to safety...

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