Chapter 1

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Aayan the eyeball licker

Xavier Black was the most popular boy in school. The boys envied him and the girls looked up to him. They would do anything to impress him, they would stoop low enough to kill. One of these people was gay Aayan. He was terribly in love with Xavier but Xavier was homophobic. One day he decided to confess.

"Hello Xavier, please notice me daddy. I love you" He cried out.

"EW HES GAY" Xavier screamed in his masculine deep daddy voice. Aayan broke into tears, but not before another equally popular boy noticed him. His name was Hunter and he was gay.

Everyone started making fun of aayan, aayan was terrified. He threw the diary he wrote just for his lover and ran to the janitor's closet. Hunter, noticing everything from the background, quietly picked the diary up.

He took the diary and went to the building in school that had been abandoned a few years ago because of an accident. An accident that only Aayan and Hunter knew about.

Deer Diary,

Xavier has abs and he isi nyc to everyone.

i wish two mary hem

Hunter felt an unusual emotion arise inside him and clenched his jaw. He was jealous.. He flipped the page and started reading the next entry.

Deer diary,

Xavier ignored me today wen i tried to get his attention by licking his eyeballs. Y dus he not want to get eyeballs lickd by me:'(. I feel like I'm slowly losing myself.

Hunter felt possessive and angry towards the naïve aayan, who was yet to see Xavier's true colours. He wanted revenge.

The next day, the day of homecoming. Hunter, who had so many blonde hot women around him to be his partner, went alone. Aayan too went alone but it was not by choice. Xavier took his side chick who occasionally had sex with, Cassandra. She was a mean girl who was also one of the people who laughed at aayan.

Hunter noticed aayan sitting on the table alone, no one liked him because he was a creep, also because he was gay but mostly because he was a creep. He was so weird he always tried to lick everyone's eyeball. Hunter wanted his eyeballs licked by Aayan too. He picked a glass of vinegar because Aayan really liked vinegar a lot and said it was good for the growth of his phallus. Hunter approached Aayan very carefully since he knew Aayan was sensitive. Xavier noticed from afar as Cassandra danced with him. Xavier's jaw clenched as he felt envy. Suddenly Xavier didn't care about Cassandra who was now doing squats or about all the other girls trying to dance with him. He could only focus on Hunter's hand which now held Aayans hand, he could see him laughing at hunters jokes. Why do I care what Aayan does? He's a weirdo and a creep who licks eyeballs, But deep down he did care for Aayan, more than he would ever care for anyone else. He wanted aayan. He craved to be with him but he couldn't tell anyone he was gay or he wouldn't be chosen as the next CEO of his dads company, Black Corporation.

As Xavier saw Aayan laugh at a joke Hunter cracked, he felt his eyes burn, he wasn't sure how long he would be able to stop himself from crying. craving to be licked by aayan.

"What are you watching?" HE could hear a screechy voice ask. Cassandra. "Fuck off." Cassandra's mommy milkers were blocking his field of vision, blocking Aayan's beautiful elbows. He shoved Cassandra out of his way and marched angrily towards Hunter who was now playing with Aayan's hair.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing talking to this piece of shit Hunter, you gay bitchboy."
"Wh-What do you mean?" Replied a trembling Aayan who was already short of breath, not because of his infatuation towards Xavier, but also because of his anxiety. Hunter sensed Aayans growing panic and took his hands in his own, also shielding him away from Xavier's growing wrath.

"Come on aaye, let's get away from this pathetic rotten tomato."

"How dare you call my gay boyfriend Aaye?" Xavier could not contain his anger anymore and Punched Hunter's jaw.

Hunter was livid. He kicked Xavier's stomach and screamed "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU HURT AAYE AND HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU. HE ISNT YOUR BOYFRIEND."

Aayan was terrified for both Hunter and Xavier. Hunter had been nothing but nice to him Ever since they met but Xavier had abs.

He was in a dilemma. 


This is my second story which im writing with my friend toenail. I hope everyone enjoys it.

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