Werewolf Moon Part 1

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18+ Only: Sexual Content - Primal/Fear Play, Minor Blood Play

Munk is an Original Character belonging to Ishness. All rights belong to Ishness. 

Natalie was having a rough day. Work had been terrible, she'd burned her dinner, and her dog had been sick on her apartment's carpeted living room floor. Twice. She needed to get out of the apartment for a bit; go outside, clear her mind and get some fresh air. She was sitting on the little bench by her doorway pulling on her boots as her Maltese puppy watched with a tilted head. Sighing she reached out and gave the dog a couple of pets and smiled. "No, this walk isn't for you. You'll have to stay here." she said, as she stood up and straightened the cardigan she wore over the light tank top underneath. She grabbed her keys and headed outside, unsure where she was going to go but determined to get out of the funk she was in. 

The air was warm despite the setting sun. The weather was finally getting to be agreeable now that it was late May, and Natalie was thankful that Summer was just around the corner. She walked along the quiet road until she found an old pathway into the woods. She couldn't explain why, but she felt drawn into the woods. Normally she wouldn't follow random paths at sunset without a flashlight, as her night vision was not all that great and she had a horrible habit of tripping over every single root and rock; but for some reason tonight she felt like she had to go in. It was the day before the full moon, so the moonlight would light her path she reasoned.

The path was easy to follow. There were few things for Natalie's feet to get caught up in, and it was fairly straight forward. It went on for a while, but soon it came upon a small fork. Natalie sighed and frowned. To the right, the path got smaller and seemed to be a little more difficult to walk. To the left, the path seemed to completely disappear under an overgrowth of grass and moss. "Well, to the right it is I guess." she said quietly to herself. It was starting to get dark, but she carried on and began to walk. Now she began having more difficulty, but Natalie kept going; winding through the woods not noticing where she was going. After walking for some time she began to feel as though she was being watched.

Stopping and looking up, she realized she had no idea where she was in the woods and that she had actually managed to lose track of the path. She had just been tramping through the woods aimlessly. "Oh no..." she muttered, as she felt that same feeling again. She spun around in a circle and as she turned she thought she saw something dart quickly into the shadows. Her eyes widened. Was someone following her? She backed up slowly, unsure if she was going in the same direction as she'd started. She turned and walked quickly away from the area where she thought she saw something, or someone, and promptly tripped over a root sending her sprawling to the ground. She got to her knees and looked up, seeing the same shadow move again. Only this time it was closer. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed quietly, getting to her feet and forcing herself to run in the opposite direction. She made it about fifty yards when suddenly she felt a hand grip her arm, pulling her to a stop. Whoever it was made no move to get closer to her though. 

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" a voice growled out.

"My name is Natalie, and I was walking. I got lost. Please don't hurt me!" Natalie cried out.

"I don't want to hurt you." the voice replied. "But you ran, and I couldn't help but chase you." it continued.

Natalie was too afraid to turn. Her eyes were closed tight and she was terrified that whoever this was would hurt her even though he said he wouldn't. "What do you want?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know...I suppose it depends on what you want. Turn around, look at me. I promise I won't hurt you." the voice growled deep.

Natalie whimpered a little and took a moment to gather her courage. She slowly turned around and opened her eyes. What she saw was not what she expected. Red eyes flashed in front of her, and the man standing before her was clearly not just any man. He was covered in hair...or fur? She couldn't tell. She glanced down and realized that the slight pricks in her arms was coming from claws on his hands. He was smiling at her in a way that made her spine tingle, and she saw fangs peeking from behind his lips. 

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