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please dont expect no spelling errors bc there is a 90% chance there are going to be some, so dont be a lil bitch and point them out thx

it was a warm, breezy day today when I stepped out onto the cement of our patio, the smell of freshly watered plants wafting near me. it was early spring and I was glad school was only in session for 2 more months. I was so, very ready for summer. thinking about having no school, going to the clear water pool whenever I wanted made me wanna leap for joy.

I put in my headphones as I walked, tapping lightly on the screen. the wombats played loud enough to drown out my thoughts until I got to school. my school wasn't very far from my house, only a few streets away. and besides, I liked getting the fresh air in my lungs and getting atleast a little exercise.

when I arrived at the large grey cement building I saw Nani jogging towards me.

"hey" she said with little breathlessness. she was always doing some kind of sport or helping her (my) family out with some kind of job, so she has high endurance. I nodded to her, turning off my music and twirling my headphones around my fingers into a small coil and shoving it into my pocket.

"so, you know how Jeremy said there was going to be some exchange students coming? well they're here and I'm really excited to meet them". I took in the information and then out of curiosity asked; "any  cute boys?". she giggled and put a hand on my shoulder. "oh boy, hell to the yes there are. there's even a chinese person here, he's not that cute but I bet he's smart so he'd fit right in there with in the dork squad". I rolled my eyes and 'ha ha ha'ed sarcastically.

I had never been the most popular or even the 'hottest' or had '10/10 would bang' commented on my instagram photos, but I was different. alot of people were nice to me and some were rude. I didnt get why some people were rude, my mom said it was because they were jealous. but..what would they be jealous of?

"Lana!!" Nani screeched in my face. "what?!" I whisper-screamed. "were you even listening to me?" I went to speak and then closed my mouth. she glared at me and I shrugged. I honestly wasn't even listening to her, my mind was always somewhere else. the bell to go to class rang and I gave Nani an apologetic smile and ran off. I didn't wanna be late for class again.

just as I grabbed the door handle of my science classroom, the second bell rang, signalling I was already late for class. I stood with my back against the door as it closed and stood there waiting for Ms. Kasey to say something. she raised her eyebrows and said "well go sit down?!". I turned to the class noticing everyone was staring. I went to the third row, fourth seat to find Bella sitting in my spot. I stand there a few seconds longer to see if she'd move, but she didnt. I sighed, the class still watching and made my way to the back row next to a tall blonde boy. the class' stares went away rapidly and I was there to be embarrassed by my lonesome.

I looked around the class to see who was here and who wasnt and to make up crazy scenarios on why they weren't present. I noticed a few new faces, we must've gotten alot of new students. I noticed a girl with freckles and caramel colored hair a few seats over and another girl with dark skin and caramel kinky-curly hair. I didn't see the asian kid that Nani was talking about or the curly headed australian boy I somewhat overheard when she was talking to me when I zoned out.

something poked my elbow and my eyes darted up to the blonde boy sitting next to me. dang, he was pretty. he was the prettiest boy I'd ever seen, he had on a grey/green Brooklyn t-shirt that was 2 sizes too big that hung to his large shoulders. his eyes darted to a small folded up piece of paper under my elbow that he must've put there.

I nonchalantly slipped it between my fingers and opened it eagerly. hey  it said in small messy writing. I quickly scribbled a hello on the same piece of paper and slid it onto his desk. Ms. Kasey was talking about plant life today and was telling Andrew aka that one kid in every class that gets in trouble everyday to get out his notebook out for like the tenth time already. the note got passed back to me and it said what's your name??. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow and wrote back lana scarletto hbu  and passed it back.

we only had 20 minutes left of class which was weird because it felt like I just got here, that 25 minutes went by quickly. he passed it back within seconds and it said luke hemmings :) pretty name you have.  I blushed as I read it and went back to studying mt bean plant. im pretty sure we learned about this in sixth grade in earth science with mr. morrisson but I cant be sure. I adjusted my glasses that I needed for reading and tucked my hair behind my ear. I was deep into reading the assigned homework that I nearly fell out of my seat when the bell rang.

I picked up my dark blue backpack and zipped up my nike sweater over my uniform as I left the classroom, Luke trailing closely behind. I looked back to see him looking around the hallways and I heard a loud voice yelling my name from down the hallway. "Lana Scarletto, need I remind you to please unzip your jacket so your uniform is showing? break the school dresscode again and I will see you in my office, aye?" principal carl said. "YES MR. CARL!" he nodded and turned and walked away.

"he seems like a dick" Luke said from behind me. I nodded, "he is".

hey guys wassup its ya girl adia wyd :) im really excited for this story bc I feel like it has tons of potential! so its the day before easter today irl and im at my aunts house in napa and im very excited bc we are making homemade pizza tonight yass!! hope u guys have a gr8 easter and I might update tomorrow or somethin bc no school and im v busy so ya anyways tell me if my story is good by messaging me? thx guys ilysm

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