Brief Moments of Happiness

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It took Chris a couple of moments to realize that the blinding light came from the sun shining through the living room window of her house, and that she was literally lying over Street. Her head was resting on his chest, while his arm was secured around her in an embrace, holding her tight as if he was afraid that Chris would wake up and run off, away from him, once again.

Chris' heart skipped a beat and went into a somersault in her chest at the sight of her right hand. Memories from the previous night were a bit confused at first, but gradually the haze in her mind cleared and she was seized by a rush of enthusiasm and embarrassment.

Street had taken her out for dinner, nothing fancy, but still very much like a first date. Although they had been together for a while now, they were trying to make up for the five years lost of denying their feelings... if she had to be honest, Street had never denied them, it had only taken some time to understand that they were more serious and profound than he wanted to admit, compared to the early days in SWAT, when he used to shamelessly hit on her, pushed by his being... a womanizer... she was the one who had tried to deny them, she did not want to repeat the same mistakes she had made years before, and in fact she wanted to follow the rules, including the one she gave herself: never date a cop.

After dinner they returned to her apartment, and he... proposed. He knew that

Chris hated PDA and grand gestures and had therefore given up doing it among strangers, choosing a private place instead. They fell asleep late in the middle of the night, wrapped in an embrace, on the couch.

Chris almost didn't believe it, maybe she was dreaming... because she didn't feel she deserved it. She didn't feel she deserved the attention, the love, him. Especially looking back on how she had treated him on several occasions, years ago, before they talked about...a possible relationship. She still couldn't forgive herself, even though Street had already done that.

She put a hand on his chest and felt the strong, steady beat of his heart. His skin was bare, it was warm, it was alive. Street groaned and hugged Chris with his arm still around her but kept sleeping.

Chris, gently freeing herself from the embrace, got up and walked into the kitchen area wearing Street's plaid shirt, and decided to make pancakes for breakfast. They needed protein because that day they would have an undercover mission. And of all the team members, it was the two of them who had to get involved...

As she stirred the pancake dough, she felt two hands squeezing her waist.

"Hey, good morning future Mrs. Street," said Street, kissing her on the cheek.

"Good morning, and hell no, I'm gonna keep my surname... or maybe I can go by Alonso-Street," replied Chris smiling, still stirring.

"I really like seeing you in my clothes."

"I thought you'd rather see me without them..."

"Yes, in fact I do, I take back what I said, without clothes...that beats everything."


"I only have eyes for you, you should know that by now," he murmured, then turned Chris around, tilted his head to the side and grazed her lips.

"I have to finish making breakfast, we need energy for later."

"I have a better idea... pancakes can wait."


Then, his mouth was on hers, quieting her. The kiss began gently, a slow and soft exploration of her lips. It reminded her of their first kiss, a kiss caused by too much vodka, but that had changed their relationship forever. Chris ran her hands up his chest, while Street cupped her cheeks and then dipped his fingers into her short raven hair. He kissed her harder, his tongue slipping between her lips. From her hair, his hands went down to her hips and up to her waist. He pulled her closer, and the sweet, innocent kiss was tinged with passion. He lifted her off the ground and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. Chris immediately found herself sitting on the kitchen counter, Street standing between her legs (that wrapped him), chest to chest. Every inch of their bodies tightened, and heat poured into both of them.

Chris was not afraid, not even a little bit. She only felt wonderful emotions, which made her feel alive. She felt out of control, which she wasn't used to until Street came along, but she trusted him. She threw herself into the kiss with all her being, and he let out a sound that reverberated in his chest.

After what seemed like an eternity, Street suddenly broke the kiss. He pressed his forehead against hers.

"I love you and I can't wait to marry you."

"I love you, too," Chris said, smiling.

She then threw her head back and Street kissed her again, pulling off her shirt. He lifted her off the counter and without pulling her from himself began to walk backwards. But he crashed, losing his balance. They both fell, half on the couch and half on the ground. They both laughed, but then Street laid Chris down on the couch and continued kissing her, stripping off the few clothes that remained on her. She kissed him back until it took her breath away, until it took both their breaths away. Their bodies pressed against each other, they were intertwined, skin on skin. He began to move against her, gently. They both stopped, staring at each other. Street's face was heated, his eyes bright. He looked shocked and amazed and overwhelmed and desperate.

"Chris, God, I..." he choked, and then his words dissolved into inarticulate sounds as his body moved against hers.

Chris held him tight by his shoulders, hard, and her body moved too, she couldn't help it, she clawed at Street's back, gasping, trying to get enough air, trying to pull him closer, closer, and closer, and then the world became an explosion of luminous fragments. She felt Street moaning, collapsing against her, then kissing her shoulder and rubbing her skin with his nose and lips until he reached her neck. Their hearts were still beating fast.

"You're heavy," she whispered into his hair instead.

Street laughed and rolled sideways, pulling her hard against him. Chris relaxed in the warm curve of his body. He reached out, retrieved his plaid shirt, and used it to cover them both. It wasn't much, but they huddled under there, giggling, and he kissed her face. He began to trace small circles on her bare shoulders with his fingers.

They enjoyed the last few minutes like this, close to each other, happy and in love, before embarking on the most important undercover mission of the year. 

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