Chapter 1. the beginning.....

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*drooling* "Raven wake up and pay attention!" Mr. Randolph says as he's beating on my desk. I then wake up to the annoying laughter of obnoxious teenagers sitting around me. "Raven, what's the answer to the equation?" He then asks sounding slightly annoyed. "I don't fucking know. Why don't you ask one of the dickheads in this classroom?!" "Take your things and go to the principal's office." He says. I grab my stuff and start to walk out of the room. Before getting to the door I turned around and yelled "fuck you" then walked out. As i walk through the halls, I put my earbuds in and turn on Suicide Silence. Instead of going to the principal's office, I walk off campus and go to the arcade to hangout. Plus the arcade has some really pizza and I don't typically eat lunch at school.

*few hours later*

I checked my phone to see that it was 4pm already. 'Shit, I'm gonna be late' I thought while grabbing my binder and skateboard. As I was walking out I overheard some of the people talk about how hot one of the animatronics were. 'what the fuck has this world come to' I thought to myself. I then walk out the door and started to skating down the hill. While heading down the hill I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into a stop sign like an idiot. I got back up and kept going not realizing how late I was. By the time I got to the blood bank where I work I was twenty minutes late. I walked through the door to see my manager giving me a death glare. As I walk in the manager instantly says "Do you realize how late you are Raven!?" "Well no 'hi. How ya doin'?" I said sarcastically. She then starts going on about how many times I've been late and if it happens again she'll fire me. As she speaks I start to zone out because well its boring and I hate having to get lectured by this bossy ass bitch. After about five minutes of her going on and on about stupid shit she waves her hand in front of my face and says "Raven were you even listening to a word I just said?" I then come back to reality realizing that this bitch is still here. "Yeah I was totally listening to every word you just said" I say sarcastically. The manager then rolls her eyes and walks away. I then mumble 'bitch' under my breath as she gets farther away so that she doesn't hear me. After that I get to work and of course with how bad my luck is, the one person that walks through the door is...... My ex. Oh my god he's so clingy and annoying. I don't even know why I dated him. As I get finished taking blood, I turned to him and said "What the fuck are you doing here?!" "I came her to donate blood. But since you're here, how about I take you out to dinner?" he says with star struck eyes. "how about you choke?" I say now annoyed. he's so delusional that inside his tiny skull I'm still in love with him. "I love you too" he says. "Just sit in the fucking chair" I said while getting a clean needle. he then sits down and tries to talk to me as I take his blood. I just simply ignore him and watch as the blood rushes through the small iv tube. Going into a daze, I didn't realize how much blood was taken from him. one of the other workers ran up to me and waved his hand in front of my face. "Raven!" I hear my name and come back to reality not realizing that my ex had fainted from too much blood loss. My boss runs out of his office and comes to me..........



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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