What If...

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(A/N: This is going completely off the trailers, and what I was able to piece together and guess, along with some random guesses of personalities and interactions between characters, and headcanons. So once the actual games come out, I don’t want people telling me off on how wrong something is. (The dancer was especially hard so she’s the greatest source of “I guessed” in this. I also gave her a name, but I probably won’t change it after it’s revealed due to laziness.))


The sun was going down. It painted the sky with hues of orange and red, burning the sky with its colors. Shadows seemed to devour everything as the darkness slowly crept in. The slight breeze rustled the trees. It was a beautiful evening. At least it appeared that way.

Truthfully, it was a horrible day, if you ask me. Horrible is an understatement actually. I wouldn’t be able to string together all the words I knew to describe how I felt this very moment.

“He will find out. It would be best to tell him now than let him find out on his own.”

“No. He will betray us either way.”

I had been walking by, that’s all. I just let my curiosity get the best of me. I had silently inched towards the door that stood between me and the speakers. I gently pressed my ear against the cold wood, listening upon their conversation.

“If he finds out on his own, perhaps. If we tell him of his bloodline, then he may trust us for telling the truth.”

“Telling him the truth after 19 years? He’s old enough to make his own decisions on who to trust or not. If he knows at this point, he will surely side with those Hoshidos. We can’t risk losing him to them now. He’s become stronger than I would have imagined.”

“Yes, I’m aware, but he’s a smart boy. If we tell Kamui he’s a Hoshido then the chances of him leaving us would be lower than him finding out on his own.”

It was at that point I tore my head away from the door. That was the moment my life shattered. Everything I thought I was and who I thought of my family had changed.

As I walked closer to the lake, I heard singing. A familiar voice. I smiled to myself; at least she’s here. She’ll help me sort things out.

I stepped out and into the clearing, where the light from the setting sun embraced me, and sparkled off the ripples in the water. The dancer stood there, singing beautifully, as her long, blue hair flowed in the wind. I stepped forward, accidentally stepping on a twig. The snap caught her attention, and she turned in alarm, but calmed down once she noticed it was only me.

“I apologize for interrupting you.” I said, walking closer.

She only smiled and walked off the pier, meeting me in the middle. “It’s alright. You appear to be troubled by something anyways.”

I sighed. “I guess you could say that.”

“Would you like to talk about it?”

I nodded slightly. “I overheard something I probably shouldn’t have heard…” I looked up at her, and her golden eyes sparkled with concern. “I’m actually a Hoshido. Raised by Nohr.”

“What troubles you then?” She asked. “That you’ve been lied to? Or whose side you should be on?”

“I’m not sure. I mean, I see them as my family but...what about my other family? Do they miss me? How did I get here?” I would have continued asking questions, but the dancer can’t answer them for me. What would be the point of asking?

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