Merry Newtmas

2 1 15

This will contain smut
Read on own risk
I hope u enjoy

-Let's go-

*Vanessa POV*
As I opened my eyes I realised that I am still in the Glade... it was another beautiful dream where we all were free... What I would do to have that but there has to be a reason why we're trapped here and humans probably built this so it probable has flaws or a way out we just need to find it!

As I stretched my arms into the air I heard my beautiful boyfriend, the only person who keeps me sane, call for Alby. I dressed into my usuals clothes and went out of my hut to go see the one and only Newt

„Hey Newt" I shouted to get his attention, which did work I see him turnaround and walk my way while smiling, oh how much love that smile of his

„Hello Princess, did you sleep well?" he looked at me with his dreamy eyes, I could get lost in them any second they're so enchanting and if you look too long it will feel like that they see through your soul and pull you in

„Yes I did, how's it going? Could I help with anything?" I am asking this because I don't have a „job" cause I am a girl, kinda sexist right? But I am not complaining that means less work for me and more chilling

„Everything is fine, you could help Frypan in the Kitchen if you like, the others don't need any help at the moment. I will be going tho, I am looking for Alby so if you happen to see him send him to me"

„Will do Handsome!" i said and went to Frypan

*Newt POV*
As Vanessa went to the Kitchen i sighed in relief, i'm Glad that she didn't find out about it, that would have ruined everything! Oh there he is!
„Oi! Alby, i could need some help with something" i shouted

„What is it mate? everything okay?" asked Alby with some concern

„Everything is okay but i need some Male advice" oh my gosh this is so embarrassing!

„What is it? Ask right away" he is so gonna laugh at me for it

"Uhm... I've been feeling very off these days... everytime i See Vanessa crouch down or just do something showing off her arse i feel my pants tighten, i know that it is a boner, but i feel like Vanessa and me could take our relationship further... you know?" I said while starting to blush

"So you wanna have sex with her?" Asked alby bluntly

"I- No! Well yes but... ugh! I don't know how to confrontation her about it!" Why is this so embarrassing?!

"Just ask her, whats the problem with that?" He doesn't get it does he?

"It's embarrassing! And to that what if she will think that i only want sex?!"

"Well ask her in a calm moment or when you two may have some sexual tension i guess"

"You are not a good help mate.." i sighed in defeat

"I never said i was dude" he is kinda right

"I will be going now" i said and waved Alby off. Maybe i could ask Minho.... okay rather not he will prob start to laugh or say something stupid... Why is this so hard!?

*Vanessa POV*
Okay good Newt things i am going to the kitchen but actually i am listening to his conversation with Alby. He has been weird the whole week, maybe i will find out what he has.

+After the convo of Alby and Newt+

Oh. My. Gosh. NEWT HAS BEEN HORNY ALL THIS TIME?! I mean i can understand why, i am hot- BUT WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME?! I could have helped him-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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