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I'm at my friends house
I had pizza
And chocolate
And fries
And a lot idfk
I need to take a shit
The bathroom door doesn't close
The door doesn't close
Right, he told me someone broke it
While drunk
I'm not taking a shit with the door open
It's wide open
I ask for scews and a hammer
I can fix this
I'm gay I mean come on
He says he doesn't have one
I don't feel good
I have to shit
But the door doesn't close
Thats awkard
I'm not taking a shit with the door open
Hold It
That's embarrassing
Go upstairs he says
But his parents will now
Hold it
And hope u don't shit yourself while getting drunk later
He says we can go play the Xbox upstairs so u can take a shit without his parents realizing
You go
Issa nice poo
You hear him say something about embarresment to his parents
He told them
Did he tho
Who cares
You took a shit
The door is still broken
It's gone suck at next weeks New Years party
Oh Well
Your writing this while drunk
And the friend is reading a fanfic you wrote together about a friend of yours and the grinch
Good night <3

🎉 A story about having to take a shit at your friends house hikayesini okumayı bitirdin 🎉
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