The Spaceship

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In the distance, I see a hubble of somesort.... Nothing but a mass of metals, windows, and materials that keep it moving. Moving towards our planet. "Linquo! Eida, come look at this!" I shout for my caretaker that watches over me while my mother works. "Da? Eyea ma plake?" She rushes towards me and glances at the strange object above. "Nos da. Hubble!" I say. My caretaker does not understand. Eida does not understand a language I have worked so hard on to learn. Hope that another sort of planet, galaxy, or solor system filled deep within my heart. This hubble meant an escape.  An escape to something better.  Eida was breathing short yet loud breaths. "Eida?" I glance over at her. She has collapsed.  "Eida! No!" I dash over to her. Eida is laying on the dessert dirt we consider a lawn. I cradle her old and feeble bones and cry. Eida's last words are: "Attack... young boy.... run.... get away." Her eyes close and I run. Run away from the hubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2013 ⏰

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