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Mild Blood !! It's only for one scene, but please be sure you are comfortable with it. <3


As Venti sat down at the tower at Stormterror's Lair, peacefully minding his own business. Truthfully speaking, he heard there was a Lantern Rite Festival all in Liyue, he wanted to go, of course, but sadly enough the details was what he was unsure of.

He wanted to visit his one and only significant other, who is none other than Xiao, the Conqueror of Demons in name.

He misses him, why does he? He visits Xiao almost everyday since the leave of their Traveller. - As much as he wants to, Xiao probably has things to do for today. So it's best if he would just not visit for now.

Venti sighs, looking up at the clear sky. Nonetheless, he can just watch Mondstadt from here, his subordinates do still need the guidance of their Archon whom they deeply adore for.

He smiles knowing greatly enough that he's too overwhelmed by all of this. He just needs a simple and small break from thought. The thought the crept up to him since his dearest friend had passed from a tragedy known. - The war between the God of Storms, dying in his vein. The little wisp turning into the Anemo Archon we know of today, Barbatos. Also known as Venti himself.

"Boo," His eyes were covered by an unknowing hand, he could hear the person chuckling with softness in their raspy voice.

Venti got a hold of the hand, removing it, he looks behind him. Seeing a short figure, taller as Venti was sitting down, a mental person who won't sleep till dawn of time. "Hi." He smiled at the person, slightly chuckling as it was not enjoyably fun to get scared of such a person. "I presume you want something?" He asks directly as the other shrugs.

"No. Just wanted to see you."

Venti grinned, "But what about the Lantern Rite? I though you sometimes want to experience such an event." He sighs, carefully making space so his significant other can sit down beside him.

"Okay? So? I want to experience it with you. It feels lonely every year when you are too busy to go with me." His other says, putting his hand on top of Venti.

"Miserably enough, I don't intend on going in any way. And I can keep calm since lesser camps will on-board off of Liyue, I suppose the Millelith will handle this as swift as air."

"Pun intended?"


"Okay. Cool, so why are you here, Xiao?"

Xiao shrugged. "I wanted to go visit you, of course. I even asked Traveller where you usually hang out by yourself, they said at the statue but you were never there. So it took me a few tries to find you."

Venti chuckles. "I'm honestly grateful you put effort into finding me." Putting his head onto the shoulder of Xiao, he says.

Quietly enjoying their silence, a big rumble came from Xiao. Venti looked at him, seeing a picnic basket. But why such a sound.

"What's that?" Venti asked. Looking confused at the basket Xiao had brought with him. It didn't look like anything special, though it seems relevant to their time of peace, so why not?

"It's a thing Verr Goldet had given me since she knew I was going to visit you." Xiao places it between them, happily smiling as Venti raises his eyebrow. "Is this your plans for me to go with you?" Venti chuckles lightly, "You could've asked." Continuing on, he said.

Xiao shrugged, "Yes. But you would still refuse either way." He pointed out.

"Explainable." Venti chuckled.

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