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Why? Why did she join this stupid game? Why the hell did she think she would have a chance in here? 

It was the money they promised. Never in her life would she make that much and this seemed like the easiest way. For her family.

But now look where it got her. Body shaking, legs felt like jelly barely able to hold her any longer especially in that crouching position she was in while hiding under the stairs of that wooden little house she was in.

It was freezing cold outside and thanks to the wind and some broken windows the cold found its way inside slowly creeping up on her like a snake. But she couldn't move, couldn't bring herself to go to another place that might be warmer. No, she'd rather freeze to death than going outside any longer and risking being shot in the head by another player.

The gun in her hands felt heavier with every second. A tear found its way down her cheek. This wasn't how she pictured all of this. No one told them it was about life and death! They just promised an impossible amount of money and a fun game. Nothing about guns, nothing about grenades and all the other stuff that could be found in the area.

It was a huge island they were on. Enough space for a hundred players to play this murderous version of hide and seek. 

She wanted to go, just leave but she couldn't. Death was the only way out. That or winning. But winning seemed so impossible.

Her breaths got ragged, it felt harder to breath at all. Gulping over and over again, clutching her chest, she desperately tried to calm her nerves but it wouldn't work. Pictures of what might happen kept popping up in her head, torturing her.

Shots. Gun shots could be heard! Someone was nearby. Crouching even more under the staircase she sat down pulling her knees close to her chest. Gun still in her hands resting on her knee she hid her face against her legs crying like a lost little girl.

She could've been with her family right now instead! Could've enjoyed a relaxing day in the living room, book in hand, a blanket around her body and a hot steaming cup of cacao on the coffee table while her brothers would use the whole room as their playground and keep some life inside the house.

But no, she was being greedy instead, signing up for something she had no idea off. 

Bang! The gun fell out of her hand hitting the ground. She put her hands up holding her head and just crying. The fear got worse. She was lost... stuck in that situation. And suddenly... The creaking noise of the wooden door. Someone's opening it!

Heavy steps. The clicking of a gun. 

Slowly she lifted her head, looking up. Eyes widened. A gun barrel in her face and then.... Everything was dark. 

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