Part 1

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Each day you wake you up and you never know what to expect, you could meet someone that completely changes your life or it could be your last day on Earth, you never know and thats what I loved about life, the absolute mystique in it. Hence I am an early riser, I don’t want to waste a minute. 

I woke up adjusting my loose white shirt and sat up, reaching over sipping some water from my water bottle. I slowly sat up, before managing to get up, even though I get up early, I’m not immune to the coldness of a winter morning. I reluctantly got out of bed and put on my black leggings and massive nike sweater shirt with a pair of joggers. I put my long hair up into a ponytail. 

I walked into the bathroom and splashed my face with warm water to help me wake up. I scrubbed my face clean before applying foundation and filled in my eyebrows, despite going for a walk I was still rather insecure about my looks, I couldn’t leave the house without having foundation on and my eyebrows actually looking decent. 

I grabbed my phone, plugging in my headphones, as I walked out the front door of my small apartment, I lived off campus which made me feel even more independent than if I lived on campus with a roommate. 

I walked around my suburb which i’m still getting to know, however on my list of things to do in winter break was to get some company in my apartment, from going to living your parents, one grandparent and two siblings you grow accustomed to never, never ever being lonely. 

And now I was all by myself so at nine when the pet store opens and buy a puppy with money I had saved and birthday money as well. 

I walked around, each breath was visible in the cold air, I wasn’t a very good runner so walking is how I kept in shape. 

I walked for about two hours exploring and trying my memorise my new neighbourhood, I ended up at home, making myself some poached eggs with spinach on toast. I ate in front of the television, watching Criminal Minds which I have re-addicted myself to. I put my dishes in the dishwasher, going upstairs into my shower, washing myself before stepping out. 

I dried myself off pulling my blue skinny jeans and burgundy coloured bra with lace detail to go with my burgundy coloured button up tight sweater, which showed a little cleavage, there is nothing wrong with little a bit of the girls out. 

I did my makeup and then did my hair before putting on socks then boots grabbing my purse, keys and phone. I drove to the mall, I had to get a  few things beside a new companion for school as the next semester is starting tomorrow. I arrived at the mall and went and looked around grabbing a few cute cardigans, sweaters, a pair of black waisted skinny jeans plus a new pair of sweatpants my others were no longer doing a good job at keeping my warm, plus these were a cute baby blue colour. 

I grabbed a few new writing books, binders, pens and white out plus a few coloured sticky notes. I paid for them at the counter before going into my favourite store where they had lipsticks on discount as well as my foundation, I grabbed them before heading to the pet store.

I smiled wide as I walked in and immediately fell in love a tiny puppy which was brown and black, I smiled purchasing her, I smiled also getting a few supplies for her and I was told to come pick her up tomorrow. I nodded going to my car getting and as I reversed this rude inconsiderate asshole that wanted my spot was pulled up way too close for me to pull out. 

I tried to get his attention but it didn’t work, i beeped my horn and suddenly jumped and looked my way, I signalled for him reverse after a few moments he finally did, I rolled my eyes at him before driving off. 

I finally arrived home and put away all my new things and put Tessa’s puppy bed down in the spot where I think she would most like to sleep, but I have no idea, i’m not a dog. 

I sat down and studied my notes for tomorrows history class, Russian History, there is honestly so much that happens and all the names sound the same its actually very confusing. 

I studied for hours and hours before my phone went off my friend Renee texted me telling me to meet her at the bar on campus there was pre-back to school party in an half an hour. 

I decided to go in the same outfit I was wearing today, deciding to add winged eyeliner and a lipstick to match my top, I sprayed on my perfume before heading out. 

I went to college in Connecticut, just outside of New York, called Trinity College, the campus was absolutely breathtaking. 

When arrived at the bar the Alpha Chi Ro frat boys were already there including there supposed leader Dan Matthews. I walked to Renee as fast as I could, she was talking to some blonde boy with an accent and beside the boy, was another boy with long brown hair and piercing green eyes, the asshole that doesn’t know how to drive. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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