The big race

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The day was finally here. The day that I am going to win the big race. I'm finally going to get the golden crown. I Rosalina queen of the stars. I AM GOING TO WIN THIS RACE! Rosalina got into her hot n sexy light blue skin tight racing outfit and headed out to go to the race. "I'm finally here!" Said Rosalina. She got onto her light blue motorcycle. It had a big gold star on the front of it with gold rims. "Ok here I go. It's time to win, yuhhh." Said Rosalina. The countdown started 3..2..1 GO! All of the people went full speed and started zooming through the race course. Rosalina started out great. She was zooming past everyone, impressing all of the audience. Rosalina was in second place, she then got a red shell, the best thing to get right now. She proceeded to throw it at the person in first place. "Ugh, musty dusty toad, such an ugly person to have to look at." Said Rosalina. The shell hit toad, but this was not good...Rosalina has an amazing aim. Almost too amazing. The shell hit toad knocking him off of his motorcycle making him roll onto the road, getting all scraped up. He is laying on the ground screaming and crying in pain "WaAaAaA my face my bum cheeks THEY HURTTT" Screaming Toad in great agony. Rosalina then goes out of her way to swerve and run Toad over, smashing his big head. "Hurts doesn't it!" Said Rosalina laughing hysterically. Rosalina was very savage towards the boys that she knew. She had lost all hope in ever falling in love because all of the boys that she knew were at least a head shorter than her and just flat out ugly. Rosalina was feeling good, she was in first place. As she was driving the wind was blowing in her platinum blonde hair and she was happier than ever. It was the last lap and Rosalina was still in first; she was confident that she was going to win and get that crown. She had trained so hard and nothing is going to get in her way now. Rosalina could see the finish line. "I'm almost done, I made it!" Said Rosalina excitedly. Then something comes. A red shell hits Rosalina knocking her to the ground, Rosalina gets back onto her motorcycle as fast as she can, she can't lose this race! Just as Rosalina gets up she sees someone zooming past her "Hahaha, bye, loser!" Says this mysterious man as he passes her. Rosalina is furious, who dared to knock me down. Right at the end too. She gets a little glimpse of the person that passed her. He had golden brown shiny hair and his arms- they were just muscles. "He- he was looking kind of hot, but that means nothing, tons of people look hot from behind, right..?" Rosalina thought. "Wait, what am I doing?? This piece of crap knocked me down and might beat me in this race. I hate him!" Rosalina went as fast as she could trying to make it to the finish line before the musty rat boy could. Rosalina tried and sped as fast as she could, but in the end the rat boy won. Rosalina was filled with rage. "Well I am simply pissed! I'm going to have to eat many star-shaped chicken nuggets tonight to get over this." Thought Rosalina. Rosalina had to know who beat her, who was better than her at racing. She looked up at the rat boy who had beat her and he was- He was so hot WHAT HOW!?! He was tall and his hair was amazing...He had a small nose and perfect eyes that were as blue as the ocean. His voice was smooth as cream cheese and he was wearing a tight shirt and hot dog, those abs! They looked as hard as a burnt Dino nuggets. Rosalina stared at him for a little while, all of her anger had faded away, but then she snapped out of it. *Ahem* "So, who are you? I don't think I've ever seen you around. You also beat me and that never happens, haha, oh wait, it's not very funny is it?" Said Rosalina. "Oh uhm- well my name is Link. And yes, it is pretty funny. The best part of this whole race was seeing you fall to the ground, haha hilarious! You seem pretty mad. Have you never had any real competition in these races?" Said Link in a really hot n sexy way. "Yes, I have had real competition, so shut up. Just you wait until the next race, I'll beat you. It will be a breeze." Said Rosalina angrily. "Bahaha ok we'll see about that. See you next race, loser girl. Said Link. He then proceeded to walk away. His walk was so hot I don't know why, but it was. He looked like a hot paramedic going to save some lives when he walked. "Hahaha, I'M FURIOUS!" Yelled Rosalina. Rosalina then called her stars to come and pick her up. They flew her to her castle in the star world. When Rosalina got home, she was talking to her main homie boy star, Chimmy. He was a normal little star that Rosalina had been friends with since she was little. "Chimmy, I just don't know what to do...That Link boy is so annoying. The worst thing about him is how hot he is and he's so talented at racing. I- I can't stop thinking about him. I hate him so much!" Said Rosalina "Well Rosalina, you just need to train for the next race, train harder than you ever have before!" Chimmy said in an enthusiastic way. "Yeah, you're right, Chimmy. You know what!? Chimmy, you shou;d start racing with me! Just float by me while I race, then you can see all of the drama that goes down!" Chimmy loved this idea he never left the house and he had no life, so this sounded amazing to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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