You wake up in a hotel.

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Your head ached. Your back was in pain. You tried to open your eyes. After a few tries you finally got them open. The first thing you did was freak out, you were sitting on the floor of what it looked like, a hotel. You started to cry and put your head in your hands. Why am I here? This is not my house. You tried to stand. Your legs were so sore. There was a coffee table next to you so you lifted yourself up off it. Trying to find a door you looked around and the hotel was actually nice. But why were you here? Why the hell was your body so achy? Did You get drunk last night?

You looked to your left and found a door. Running to it you started to rattle the handle. What? It didn't open. "Fuck fuck fuck!" You got frustrated and started to cry again. "Where the fuck am I?!" You grabbed a light shade next to you and threw it to the ground as hard as you could. 'SMASH!' You just wanted to break things. You were filled with frustration "Hey!" A man walked out of the bathroom with no tshirt on and just his boxers. He had long orange hair, muscly arms and a stubbly beard. He looked like he just came out from a movie. He started to speak "What the actual fuck, I was sleeping dumbass!" You swallowed and were quiet for a bit. "did you kidnap me?" Dave looked at you then around the hotel. "No? I don't even know who you are."

"Where are we just please tell me!" You cried out. "I told you I don't fucking know you! And I don't know where we are! And Why would I have kidnapped you? I sure as hell wouldn't kidnap a woman who screams like you do" your face turned red and you collapsed to the floor. Hiding in your arms. "How do we get out of here then?" You sniffled into your elbow. "I'm guessing you've tried the door?" You nodded. "I actually can't remember anything at all. I was sleeping in the bathtub till I heard you smash that lamp." He crossed his arms. "Maybe you kidnapped me. I am famous after all." So that's why he looked like he came out of a movie you thought. "Really? I've never seen your face on a billboard anywhere." He snorted. "God you really don't know." He sat on the floor in front of you but he kept his distance. "My names Dave." He smiled a little bit. You hid in your arms again. "I want to get out of here." Dave frowned. "Don't be a smart arse and tell me your name." You rolled your eyes "Y/N" you shifted on the floor uncomfortably. "Alright Y/N it is!" He got up from the floor and went back to the room he came from. The bathroom. You quickly jumped up from the floor and grabbed on to Dave's hand. "Where are you going!? You can't just go back to sleep!"

Dave looked down at your hand grabbing his. You looked too and blushed. "S-sorry I'm just scared" you struggled to get the words out. You didn't mean to touch his hand. What if he gets angry? Oh god. You let go. You just want to get out of this place. There's no windows and only a bed and bathroom. And that door. "Shit Y/N your getting a bit grabby aren't you?" Dave said. Dave looked you up and down and put his hand on your hip. You had to look. His hands were big. Very large. His fingers were so long too. "Ah so how do we get out?" You changed the subject trying not to worry about his hand lightly being on your hip. "Well while we're here why don't we make the best of it?" Dave grabbed your hip tighter. You shouted in pain. "OW!" You backed away from him quickly. "What was that??" You rubbed your hip through your clothing. "Aw a bit too rough am I?" Dave smirked obviously enjoying it. Your face was probably a deep red, you could feel it. Your stomach was filled with butterflies. He was quite a good looking man and you knew what he meant by making the best of it. All you really wanted right now was to get out of this place. Not to have sex with a much older man than you who you met in a hotel room. "Haha no I like rough, I was just a bit startled." Oh shit. The words that came out of your mouth sounded so stupid. Why would you say that? You didn't know what came over you but you didn't feel quite comfortable around this man to tell him that. "Ah haha so you are the rough type." Dave took steps toward you. His arms were incredibly huge. He could kill you if he wanted to. You nervously laughed. "Um so your famous? Are you an actor?" You didn't want to give him the idea you wanted to have sex. "Oh no no... he started "I'm a musician. A very good one. I started a band called Megadeth. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me." He was closer to you now. One more step and you'd be chest to chest. You couldn't move but you smiled and looked him in the eyes. "Actually I've heard of Megadeth, my dad listens to you." "Dad has good taste I see." This guy really did like talking about himself and loved his band. You giggled a bit. "What's got you so giggly?" He looked pissed off just a little so you instantly stopped giggling. "Oh Ah just how you love to talk about your career, I mean it's great! It's just cute." Dave took another step to you. You were both now so close. Dave looked down on you. Being the taller one. "Cute? I've never been called that actually. Just a warning but if you make fun of my career I will strangle you." Dave reached around you to your arse. You blushed and thought of his arms strangling you. "So are you a virgin?" Dave said. You looked down completely embarrassed. "Don't be shy." Dave smiled. You looked up again. "Yeah I am, so what?" You didn't want to have sex in a hotel while being trapped especially on your first time. Dave pushed you to the wall and pinned you. "Dave?!" You squealed.

"What's the matter? Scared?" Your legs started to shake. "Oh I see, is little miss princess about to piss hearself? "You clenched your legs together although you thankfully didn't need to pee but you were quite scared of this guy. He could do anything he wanted to you. He was a man. He had control. You were weak. Dave pinning you by your shoulders led his mouth to your neck and started to suck. You couldn't help moaning. You felt so dirty. He grabbed your trousers and started to pull them down. They dropped around your ankles. You put your head on his shoulder and he lifted you from your waist. He chucked you down on the end of the bed. "So what do you think of this place doll? Quiet isn't it? And you know what I'd like to see? You screaming for help as I fuck your brains out. No one will hear you. Only our kidnappers which I'm sure are in no need to help." you spat in his face. The saliva ran down his stubble on his chin. "Your not fucking me here!" You shout. His eyes were clenched shut. "Fucking slut!" He rubbed your spit off his face and grumpily grabbed your arms and pulled them over your head. He looked around for something and finally realised there was rope on the railing of the bed. "Aw lucky for you there's a bit of rope over there." Dave grabbed your legs and pulled you to the top of the bed. "Dave... I'm sorry just please stop." You nearly started to cry. "You really didn't have to spit in my face. Little girls need to be punished for such actions." You we're actually aroused by this man but in a sickening way. "Are you just horny or do you really want me?" You stuck your finger in your mouth. You decided to play cat and mouse with him. You sucked hard on your first finger then added another. "Both." Dave smirked. He roughly grabbed your hand and pulled your fingers out of your mouth. "Don't you want to suck on daddy's fingers instead?" God you loved his voice. So deep and demanding. You hardly new him and he new how to turn you on. Without getting an answer from you he forced your mouth open and stuck four fingers in. You started to gag. Dave looked pleased though. He was sticking his fingers so far down your throat. And his fingers were so long!! You took it. You sucked till his fingers went wrinkly. Dave decided to pull out all his fingers apart from one. "Be gentle." He stated. You blushed.

First you sucked the tip of his finger and swirled your tongue around it. You put both your hands around his. Thank god he hadn't tied you down yet. You wanted to piss him off. Just to make him do something mean. God what were you thinking? You really didn't know but you decided to try something. You took his finger to the back of your throat then bit him just enough for it to hurt. "OW WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!! YOU BITCH, I SAID BE GENTLE!!" He looked so hot when he was angry. You were terrified of what he'd do next but you got the full view of his naked chest right in front of you. "I'm- I'm sorry daddy Dave I promise I won't do it again." You meant it. Really. But you knew he'd wouldn't let you get away with it this time. "You spat in my face and then you bit me? You know your not getting away with that. These ropes need to be used now." You let the man proceed in what he's doing. He ties a knot around your hands and you look up and tug at it a bit. "Nope. No escape here." Dave pulled up your tshirt to reveal your light creamy skin. You moaned as you felt the air hit your body. "Mmm I like your skin." He pulled your tshirt up even more. "Oh no bra I see." He leaned down on your body even more. Hands supporting him. "Now why don't you have a bra huh?" Dave whispered in your ear. "I don't know I swear." You quickly replied. "Maybe our kidnappers fucked you before putting you in this room with me and they want me to fuck you too." You moaned and gasped tugging on the ropes and pulling your legs around Dave's hips. He started to suck on your now hard nipples. Each giving them a turn. You screamed out in pleasure. "Ahh~ daveeee." He started to suck harder until you felt them get sore. Then he bit down hard on you left nipple. "Ah yes ohmygod!" You screamed louder. "Your such a kinky little slut Y/N. I wish I met you a long time ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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