Chapter 1: The dog

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"Good morning, lady Loving!"
"...*Groans* no.."
*Laughs* "Come on My Lady, you need to get up, you have a busy day today!"
"*We*, have a busy day today.."
"True" *Laughs*
"I'll get your clothes, Lady Loving."

You yawn, and wait for your Butler, Tanaka. After a few seconds you realize that she brought tea, you looked at it for a few second trying to focus on it with your blurry eyes and you hear Tanaka say,
"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry Lady Loving! Here's your tea!"
She said as she gave you some tea.
"It's alright"
You took a sip of tea and surprisingly it was actually good!
"Is it good Ms. Loving?" Tanaka asked as she starting changing you.
"Yeah, who made it?"
"I did"
"Wow, you can actually make tea now, it's a miracle."
Tanaka laughed, and she finished changing you.
"So what do we have to do?" *Yawn*
"We have to get more tea, get more clothes, and-"
You lost track of what she was saying because of tiredness, but you heard her say, "Ciel Phantomhive"
"What is it my Lady?"
"Who's Ciel phantomhive?"
"He is the Earl of the Phantomhives"
"Well obviously, but what did you say about him?"
"He's going to a ball tomorrow Ms. Loving."
"Who's ball?"
"Mr. Williams ball."
"Alrighty then, let's go please."
"Yes, My Lady."
Y'all got in the carriage and went off. You both ended up getting out to walk around and get what y'all need. And after getting everything y'all needed, you both headed back. But you saw a starving dog and of course, you had to help it.
"Oh my goodness!"
"What is it My Lady, are you hurt?!" Tanaka said running over.
"We have to take the poor thing home!"
"M-miss? We can't take a stray dog back to your Manor!"
"And why not?" You said picking he dog up.
"It could have illnesses, be vicious, and a lot more things!"
"I do not care! I am taking this poor dog home Tanaka."
"Alright then, we must get things for a dog then."
"Alright, let's go."
After you both finished getting stuff for the doggo, you bumped into someone.
"Ah!" You yelped falling back.
"Are you alright Miss?!" A man in black said.
"W-Wheres the dog?!" You looked over and saw it on the ground. You tried to pick the dog up but it was limping and you realized it must of hurt it's leg.
"I am terribly sorry! Are you alright?!" The man in black said again.
"Why are you apologizing? He's the one who bumped into me." You said pointing to the blue haired one.
"M-my Lady, that's Ciel Phantomhive!" Tanaka said.
"Ok..and? I don't care, he got my dog get hurt."
"In my defense you bumped into me." The blue haired boy said.
"Of course a child would say that! How old are you? 9?! Let's go Tanaka."
"Y-yes Lady Loving!"
"Please wait! We did not mean to be rude or hurt the dog. Is there anyway we could help?" The man in black asked.
"Yeah actually, could you help me with my dog?"
"Of course my lady."
" better not be saying what I think you're saying." The blue boy said.
"Would you like to come back to our Manor?"
"I guess so."
"Are you sure you want to go My Lady? We don't know this man."
"It's alright. If something happens, you're there."
"I suppose so, so where do you live my lord?" Tanaka asked Ciel.
"Just follow Sebastian." Ciel groaned.
You followed them with Tanaka behind you and Sebastian in the front, which means you were walking by Ciel.
"So, who are you?" Ciel asked.
"I'm Y/N Loving. The earl of the Lovings."
"Hah! Loving, such a childish name!"
"Hah! Says the child!" You said with a glare.
"My lord, please be nice to our guest."
The man in black said.
You laughed and Ciel groaned.
"So your name's Ciel, correct?"
"Yes, it is, why?"
"I was just making sure. But guess what?!"
*Groans* "What?"
"Blue boy is better not gonna lie."
'I she's trying to make me mad?!'
"No, it's Ciel. In fact, call me Earl Phantomhive, or even better, My Lord." Ciel laughed.
"You can't make me call you anything Blue Boy."
"Ok guys, let's calm down. Sebastian?"
"Are we almost there?"
"Yes, we're almost to the carriage."
"Thank you very much." Tanaka said as Sebastian smiled at her.
Y'all continued walking and no one said a word, even in the carriage. Tanaka sat in front talking to Sebastian while he was uhh controlling the horses? Idk.
Anyway, you and Ciel aka, Blue Boy, didn't talk at all. Y'all just glared at each other the entire time, but you were also trying to take care of the dog. You were giving it attention, making sure it trusts you. And you realized you had bread in your pocket from Breakfast.
"Here," you said while you gave the bread to the dog.
The dog waved its tail happily while Ciel glared at it.
"Do you not like dogs or something?"
"No, I like dogs, I'm just surprised Sebastian helped you, he hates them."
"Wow, that's amazing, and hilarious. I love it." You grinned.
You saw Ciel grin to, and y'all laughed at it. After y'all both finished laughing y'all didn't talk for the rest of the time. You then came to a stop and y'all were at the Phantomhive Manor. Tanka walked you out while Sebastian walked Ciel out also.
"Here we are My Lady." Tanaka said.
"Thank you." You said.
Y'all began to walk inside and you heard Ciel say,
"Did we really have to bring them here? They could've went home and took care of that dog."
"No, it's the nice thing to do, and besides, you were the one who bumped into her and hurt the dog."
Ciel scoffed and went inside with Sebastian. When they walked inside they saw, Tanaka, with the dog, and you, literally squeezing Mey-Rin.
"What are you doing to MY servant?" Ciel asked.
"Uhh..what does it look like? Hugging her of course."
"Because she's so frickin cute!" You said squeezing her again.
Mey-Rins nose bled and you stopped squeezing her.
"Oh my god are you alright?!"
"Heheh..yeah.." Mey-Rin said walking away with you know, that look:

" Mey-Rin said walking away with you know, that look:

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"Is she alright?" You asked.
"Huh..funny, she only acts like this around me, I guess she's got a little crush." Sebastian said taking the dog.
You laugh and follow Sebastian with the dog.

Oh god this is over 1000 words long, so let's stop here for now-

1119 words

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