The Mystery Inside The Trunk

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April 1st, 1799

'' 'A girl of nine, with the aura of gold,
In dress as blue as thee sea, wandering around in search of mystery' "



"Kitty?!!!" A young girl of 9 was searching her pet, she was worried.

She didn't get a response from her beloved dog.

"Kitty? Where are you" she turned around and round, but nothing could be seen nor heard.


"Oh kitty, where did you go?" Kitty's owner asked her fondly. The little ball of fur, made a weird noise, making her owner laugh.

"Follow me, my beloved eve"

"Alright, but where are we going?"

"You will know, when the time is right"

"Fine" eve huffed, why was kitty soo secretive and mysterious?

"Follow me" and with that kitty started to walk towards a big tree and eve followed her in silence.

Kitty started to dig up a big hole. Inside the hole was a trunk, an ancient wooden trunk.

"Open that thing"


"Fine, just a second"

Eve tried to open it, but the trunk's lock just wouldn't budge.

Two hours went by and by without the lock budging

"It won't open" she huffed.

"Oh it will" Kitty said as she handed eve, a key

"You could have done that before, dumbo"

"My name is not dumbo, it's Kitty"

"What will I ever do with you?"

"Pet me"

"Oh you little-"

"Eek" a high pitched screech came from behind them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" eve screamed.

"Open it?"



"I cannot take that risk, that sound came-"


There was a long silence until......she started murmuring...

"I must be brave, I must know what is inside, I must, I must, ohhh I must" eve murmured to herself.

"Don't worry too much, I have a feeling nothing will happen" kitty said as she softly landed her head on eve's shoulder.

"I don't trust you" eve said as she tried to open it again.

"Eeeeeeeeeeek" the weird noise came again making eve freez.

"Kitty" she whispered.


"The noise. Is coming from behind us"


The weird noise came from behind them and from inside the trunk at the same time.

"Should we run?" Eve questioned.

"I..... please, let's give it a try"


"Jus.......t. A. Momen-"

" 'click' "

The lock opened.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek" the voice behind them became louder, eve froze the moment she opened the trunk.

"Eve, that-"


Kitty looked at her owner surprised.

"Be quite, that thing......" she continued to whisper, but I was far far away from them for I didn't want them to find me, even though I drank the invisibility potion...sooo only kitty can see me.

"Eek" the creature inside the trunk let out a weak noisy came as it tried to stand. It looked weird, it was similar to a wolf but with enormous ears and it's fur was purple, it had a really bushy tail.

"Eeeeek" the creature behind them let out another noise and came running to help the creature inside the trunk.

But eve was fast, she gently picked up the creature and gave it some of the snacks she had brought along.

"" it said meekly.

"Who are you? what have you done to my friend? what did you give him? is he all right? how did you find the trunk?" The creature who had been behind them screamed at them in a really high pitched voice.

"Can you talk a little slower and in a little hushed tone?" Kitty asked the creature.

"Oh kira, shut up?" The creature from the trunk asked feebly.

"Nope, you my friend, have been missing for a thousand years" kira, the creature's friend said.

"What? No, this can't be happening" the creature from inside the trunk said. The other creature nodded sarcastically.

"What can't be happening?" Eve questioned ever so innocently.

"'s nothing, now that you have lifted my curse I must go" the creature said.

"I, white of jedia, the creature of life will help you when you are in need of desperate help" the creature said and disappeared into thin air with his friend, kira following him.

what happened to the girl you ask? Well she and kitty stood there awhile trying to process everything... before running towards the safety of their home as darkness eloped the sky and lived happily ever beloved mind says this is the end....

But let me tell you, my beloved reader this is not the end of their adventure......

The Mystery Inside The Trunk (The Far Away Lands Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now