Chapter 4

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Last time on last chapter kai and jay try to find out if cole had a girlfriend.
Ok on to da storeh :3
I got out of the store and heading home. Once i got home i unlocked the door and got inside i got greeted with a voice i knew(guess who it eis/is:3) for one how did he get here when my door was locked?
"Cole why r u here and how did u get here?!?!" Cole chuckled. You thought for a moment he not like himself anymore he look like he just bathed in dark stuff(this is actually when evil ninjas come back so this is evil cole) while you were thinking cole snuck up on u and put his hands on your waist like spiders crawled up ur waist u jumped and ran to ur living room "WHO R U?!?!?!!!" You said loudly then "cole" said,"dont you know who i am im cole why r u running away from me!!!" He started speed walking towards then you said "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" You try to ran but u got pinned down(this is not lemon) he looked at you through his sunglasses he then screamed out"YOU BETTER LISTEN CLOSELY OR U WILL GET HURT and i dont want to hurt ur little cute face." He put a hand on ur cheek and stroked your cheek slowly you managed to get ur left hand free and slapped his face when u had the time u got up and got in a fighting stance u used your powers to form a sword"so be it." Evil cole got up and pulled out his sythe and got in a fighting stance. And you guys got ready to fight you ran towards him trying to cut his side but u almost succeeded but you just ended up crashing on the floor leaving evil cole a advantage he brought his sythe to your neck u eyed the sythe then your right/cursed eye turned u into a two tailed wolf and pounced on him rip his close apart then he disappeared. Which leaves u confused"isn't he human?" U thought for a moment then just let it slid but u do need to clean the place now. Once u got done, you went outside to get some fresh air but all u could smell was blood u opened ur eyes and saw that u had blood all over u. U sighed u went to take a little bath(but u r still a fox) once u were done u cleaned the blood prints on the floor. You stepped outside once again and jumped up and closed the door and also locked it(i dont know how doh when u dont have thumbs XD) and walked to ninjago city.

There we go thats the forth chapter of this i hope u enjoy

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