The Flower in His Cursed Garden

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You can also find this in ArchiveofOurOwn! It's slightly revised, but only in the beginning;

Disclaimer; this story will have mature content which relates to blood, gore, and violence. If you are not into that sort of thing, do not read.

Xiao's character, along with Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Zhongli, Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver, Baizhu, Qiqi, Aether/Paimon, Childe/Tartaglia, Smiley Yanxiao, and Verr Goldet belong to miHoYo studios.

Liyue Harbor and Wangshu Inn also belong to miHoYo studios,

Cover art belongs to Twitter User @.sami_je, not me. 


"hah.....hah.........hah...." He huffed as his lungs were tighter than ever. His hands gripped the table as his vision would blur unexpectedly at random times. He felt his heart tug, beating hard and rapidly as his chest pounded in pain. Body aches surged his whole body, as though he was being harshly pulled by tight and spiky ropes.

He wasn't unfamiliar with this, he knew what's going on. This is the karma that he has to bear for all of eternity.

But....this time, the pain exceeded what he expected. He gets episodes, but at least there would be pre-pain before the whole things starts. This time, it just smacked him so hard he thought he was gonna pass out. And in all the places, it just had to be at Wangshu Inn on a table near the kitchen where Smiley Yanxiao would cook. Thankfully, he isn't in the kitchen today, he went out to get more ingredients. So, it's just the suffering adeptus in the kitchen for now.

"huff.....huff...." Xiao wheezed as the pain sent his hands to cover his face. He felt the cursed energy raise the levels of pain - he was mixed between shock and confusion at this concerning level of pain. Since when has it reached this bad? Can he even control it? Xiao found himself in a swirl of irritation and shock, as the continuous pain surged to a point where Xiao impulsively tore the table out of his way, as the wooden table crashed and split in two at the nearest wall. Right as he stood and threw the table, his heart sent him to the floor as he collapsed with his hands clenched to his chest. Panting, he watched his vision in a blur as a corrupted mask slowly formed on his face, now unable to control himself, and allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness.

You happily skipped over to Wangshu Inn with a grocery bag locked in your fingers. Today, you decided to take a step back in adventuring and hang out with Xiao...well if he's there.

You honestly never forgot the day you encountered Xiao; you were in a pretty tight battle with some Fatui Agents in Cuijue Slope, and you tumbled down the hill and crashed into someone - who was Xiao. You could never forget the impact that actually saved your life, as if Xiao wasn't there, you would've slipped off a cliff and fall to your unexpected death. But you were greeted with a very irritated and shocked adeptus who was extremely antisocial but helped you with the agents regardless as they were already hunting for you. Since then, you kinda...barged into his life a lot - as you wounded up leaving the battle curious about the adeptus; which lead to the present time where you and Xiao became friends (it was more of you forcefully sticking by his side...he grew more tolerable on you the more you visited).

Smiling at the memories, you skipped through the bridge that took you to Wangshu Inn and walked to the elevator. Taking you up the floor, you happily walked inside the inn and halted in your tracks. Happiness dropped to concern and worry as you were greeted with torn walls made from claws, some stairs destroyed and the lanterns torn and hanging sideways than normal.

The Flower in His Cursed Garden (Xiao x GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now