Taken, Not Borrowed

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Stuart Tusspot, a tall boy with striking blue hair and wide hazel eyes stared at the assortment of keyboards displayed in the storefront window. He gazed upward and silently read the black and maroon coloured sign, complete with a model organ and a small light to illuminate the text when night came.

'Uncle Nate's Organ Emporium..' he mouthed, as his gaze fell back to the display.

A sign hung in the window telling any readers about the keyboard sale inside. Stuart could see guitars, drum sets and microphones not to mention organs, but what caught his eye was not any of the store's finest models, but a small electric keyboard. It was black with purple accents, and seemed to feature buttons and keys to simulate the sounds of drums and horns and train whistle, not to mention change the sound of the notes being played.

His mother, who was a curvy woman with shoulder length brown hair and soft brown eyes, stopped walking when she felt her son's hand slip out of her own. The two of them had walked from the carnival where her husband worked, and decided to go window shopping. His father David Tusspot had just received a bonus, so the couple had agreed to purchase a present for their son, if he found something he liked.

She turned around to find her son staring into a music shop. She watched him gaze at something, occasionally squinting as if to get a better look. She raised an eyebrow and went to him, her heels click-clacking on the cement sidewalk. She stood next to him and bent her knees to get to his height, which was tall for a fifteen year old. She peered into the store, trying to locate the item he seemed so fixated on.

"Stu?" she asked, curiosity swirling in her hazel eyes.

He didn't seem to notice her inquiry, which was not rare. Ever since the accident he seemed to space out whenever something caught his interest, or even when he was bored. The incident also gave him migraines that ended in him passing out from the pain. Luckly, as Rachel was a nurse, she could supply him with a plethora of medications to ease the pain. One of the downsides to these pills was that they caused restlessness in poor Stu-Pot, but that bit could be fixed with more pills.

A vicious cycle really.

She gazed at his unruly azure hair and sighed. She could remember the date, and even the time of that particular event, as it affected her whole family, especially her son. It also gave her the fright of her life.

~ "Ey Mom!" a young Stu shouted, his wavy dark brown hair shining in the midday sunlight. Rachel, being a few years younger and a few pounds lighter looked over at her son. He smiled, revealing a broken smile, as his front teeth had fallen out the week before.

"What is it honey?" She questioned lovingly.

"Can ah climb te' tree in te' back yard?"

Rachel, who was sitting in a lawn chair on the porch looked at her son. The seven-year old looked back at her expectantly. His smiling mother nodded cheerfully and waved him off. She could hear his rushed footfalls as he ran to the yard, ready to climb the tall, old oak tree.

Their tree was unlike most others, as it never had any leaves and the rippled trunk was textured like an old stepladder, making it the perfect climbing tree, and the lack of leaves gave anyone in said tree a perfect place to hang out with friends, or make a treehouse.

Rachel blissfully leaned back in her chair and let the sun wash over her face.

Little Stu scrambled up the trunk, and hooked his long fingers onto a branch. Lifting his feet up off the ground, he swung onto the branch. With a bit of difficulty, he managed to grab onto a higher branch and pull himself up. Stu grinned at his achievement and climbed higher in the tree, admiring the view as he climbed. The soft breeze teased his hair and left delicate chills down his spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2013 ⏰

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