New Year's Kiss

139 6 2

I... I can't find him!
It's 11:59, where is my Alan?
I want to share my new year's kiss with him, and if I can't find him in this mess of people, how will I ever share this special moment with him?
I'm panicking. I continue my search.

10! 9! 8! 7-

No!!! I'm not ready! I've not found him yet-

6! 5! 4!

I spin wildly looking for him and it occurs to me how foolish I look. 

Surely this is what I get for...

3! 2! 1!

And then there are arms around me from behind, pulling me in and turning me and a kiss is delivered, pressed against my pouting lips- I'm too tired to struggle. 

Of course, it's Alan, and I melt into his embrace and his kiss.

"Happy new year, love." He purrs quietly, breaths quickened- he must have been looking for me too.

"Happy new year, Charlie!" I smile up at him, and lean in for another kiss.
He's smiling and tastes of, oh, of course my hero, Vodka Man, tastes of neat stoli.

First kiss of the new year... is always for Alan. And the next, and the next... he can have them all.

After all, I have always been faithful and devoted.

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