Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep beep.

Skye groaned and opened her eyes. Everything in her room was blurry, but that didn't stop her from glaring at her alarm clock. Which, was going off for the second time that morning. She sat up to stretch but a small giggle stopped her. She squinted into the slightly darkened hallway but could make out nothing. 

"Ok, haha very funny, you can come out now Constance." there was only another giggle in response. 

Skye sighed, another day trying to raise the little monster she called a sister, by herself. Their parents had died when Skye was only 14 years old, forcing Skye to get a partial night job and juggle highschool at the same time. Today was Monday, one of the few days she didn't work her shift. She did however have to go to school, that and one other thing.

"Come and find me!" Her five-year-old sister shouted in a singsong voice. 

Skye shook her head, and stood up from her bed. "Constance I don't have time for this."

"Yes you do," Constance's small head peeped around the doorway "I set your clock back for a reason you know." 

Skye huffed in exasperation "What is it with little kids and hide and seek?! EVERY SINGLE MORNING." 

Constance peeped around the corner once again, " It's  fun, and you need some fun in your life." She said it so seriously that Skye could not help but burst out laughing. Constance took the opportunity to go hide again. 

After laughing for two minutes Skye began the search for her little sister before giving up ten minutes later to go make breakfast. 

The smell of frying sausage eventually lured the master hider out of her spot. 

"How come you never find me?" Constance whined as she slid onto a seat at the kitchen table. Skye didn't even turn around.

"Connie girl, you know this. I just am not good at finding people."Constance, a bit miffed about the lost hide and seek game, was annoyed. 

"Maybe that's why you don't have any friends." 

Skye drew in a long breath before turning around to face Constance. 

"I don't have time for friends. I have a responsibility to take care of you, stay in school, keep food on the table and keep you healthy,  not to mention happy." 

Constance's face softened a bit, "I guess you DO do a lot for me."

Skye reached over and smoothed her sisters hair down, "You better believe it bud." she said softly. Constance looked up into her big sisters unusual magenta eyes. 

"Skye? I hope I can be like you one day." she said with a childlike smile.

Skye smiled down at her sister, "You already are like me. Your sweet and sensitive not to mention stubborn. REALLY stubborn," with that Skye laughed slightly "I think you actually GET that from me." 

Constance gazed up at her sister before exploding into laughter as Skye started to tickle her. 

"It's time to get ready for school, you stubborn little kiddo." 

Constance squealed and tried to get away as Skye carried her to the bathroom. 

"Now your not leaving here until you get your teeth and hair brushed." 

"Ok, ok you win I'll get ready for school" Constance said with a few last laughs. 

Skye pretended to dust off her hands and flounce away, causing her sister to burst into yet another fit of laughter.

Skye shook her head, but as she walked away to go get dressed she secretly smiled. Yes, Skye had grown very fond of her sister over the few years they had been alone together. She sacrificed so many things, so that Constance could have a good life, yet she didn't mind. Her sister was all that she had left, and she likewise to Constance. Besides, she didn't have much of a life at school anyways. Zero friends, and zero crushes. You don't have much time for any of that when you're raising a  five-year-old. 

Glancing at the clock, Skye hurriedly got ready for school. Constance met her at the door the second Skye put her hand on the handle. 

"Ready?" She asked hoping they wouldn't end up being late. 

"Yup" her sister replied already running out the door and jumping into the backseat of the car their parents had left them with. Skye slid into the drivers seat and mentally thanked God that she had gotten her license that year. She thought back to the previous years of her and Constance being continually late because of the fact that they had to walk to school. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Constance. 

"Next stop, the elementary school!"  

"Yay! School!" Constance cheered.

Time flew too fast, and the next thing Skye knew she was pulling up to her highschool. This was the part of her day that she hated the most, and dreaded every moment of it. Locking her car Skye spun around only to come face to face with Rocky Woodlight. Her heart sank as she looked up into the twisted snear plastered permanently on his face. 

"What do you want Rocky?" She tiredly mumbled. Rocky leaned his face close to hers and smirked at her. 

"You know what I want. I want to make a fool out of you, just as I do everyday. Something about watching you die inside just gives me a thrill." 

Something inside Skye crumpled and she glanced over her shoulder to see who was outside with them. About fifty of the kids that went to her school were lingering around until the final bell would call most of them in. Skye whipped her head back to face Rocky, who was maliciously smiling at her. Skye's heart sank. She knew what he was up to. As if on cue, Rocky started getting everyone's attention. 

"Hey look everyone it's Skye, the quiet, dumb kid who hide's in a corner for most of her life." 

Skye closed her eyes and looked down. At this point in her life she was to tired to fight him. Trying to quietly escape, she started to walk away towards the school entrance.

"I bet she can't even fight."

With that statement Skye jerked her head up and turned around to see Rocky advancing on her with his fists balled up and ready. She tried to back away but a crowd of students hungry for a fight had closed in. 

"No, please, STOP!" She shouted, but Rocky just kept on coming. Skye started to get desperate.

 "Please! Someone help! Her voice was getting shrill as she started to panic. If she got hurt how would she support Constance?! She wouldn't be able to work,and if that happened they would most likely loose their house, and Constance would be taken away.

"Please" she whispered with her eyes closed. "Please, she can't live without me, and I-I can't live without her." 

She waited for the first blow to knock her off her feet, but it never came. Skye slowly opened her eyes to see a tall boy with chocolate brown hair standing in front of her. He was blocking her from Rocky.

"If you want to hurt her you're going to have to go through me." 

Rocky made a face, "She isn't worth your time."

"Yes she is, you just have to get to know her. So do you really want to fight? Because I will gladly fight, just as long as no one but you gets hurt."

Seeing that he was deadly serious Rocky backed off, "I wasn't really going to hurt her just ruin her social reputation. T-that's all." He smiled nervously and backed off.

Skye's eyes widened, who was this guy? Since when did anyone in HER school stand up for the bullied? Don't get her wrong she was extremely grateful, but that didn't stop her from wondering about this tall dark haired stranger. Just then he turned toward her, and Skye found herself looking into chestnut brown eyes equally as dark as her own. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but never got the chance, because that's when Skye fell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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