Bring Our Maknae Home.

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"How many of these do you need me to wash hyung?" Jungkook asked Yoongi as he grabbed bags of various fruits and vegetables they were preparing for lunch.

"Hm..maybe like 7 of each kind?"

"On it pronto hyung!!" Jungkook turned the sink on and began washing as he sang random songs to himself. Meanwhile, Jin and Hobi were also helping set up for lunch while Taehyung and Jimin were nowhere to be found, presumably cuddled up napping somewhere. Namjoon was reading on the couch.

The members were on a small break so they were spending most of their time at home. It was the holiday season so they were excited to have the time off. Most of the members even had time to get a lot of their Christmas shopping done. Their friend Dae was at the house today visiting. Well, more of an acquaintance than a friend. He worked with the members briefly for a few weeks not long ago until a situation caused him to have to move quite far away. However, the members still kept in touch every now and then and figured it'd be cool to meet up for the day.

"Jungkookie when you're done washing those can you help me cut these into smaller pieces?" Jin asked as he pointed to an array of meats he was slicing up.

"Absolutely hyungie," the youngest replied.

Dae was sitting at the kitchen counter watching all the chaos in the kitchen, and couldn't help but praise the youngest member, "He's so helpful. I have a little brother and he's useless," Dae laughed. Dae was a little bit older than Jin.

Hobi walked past Jungkook at the sink and ruffled the back of his hair, "That's our Jungkookie. He's always helpful. We love it." This made Jungkook blush, he absolutely lived for being praised by his hyungs.

Namjoon looked up from his book and chimed in from the living room, "We don't call him our Golden Maknae for nothing." Jungkook blushed even harder, "Noo it's nothing , really. I love helping."

Yoongi walked over and patted Jungkook's back, "And we love you, bunny."

A chorus of giggles and "Oooooo's!!" could be heard throughout the kitchen.

Jimin and Taehyung strolled into the kitchen together, yawning and presenting their bed heads in full fashion.

"Good morning sleeping beauty number one and sleeping beauty number two," Jin joked.

"..'morning hyung," they replied in unison. Taehyung walked over and gave Jungkook a back hug without saying anything. He was already helping Jin slice up meat, "Careful I'm holding a giant knife." Taehyung walked away without saying anything and grabbed a glass of water. Dae stared at Jungkook, noticing he wasn't only super helpful but also really responsible. He wasn't aware Jungkook was like this before, but their previous meetings had only been brief.

"Kook-ah," Jimin began, "Do you want to help me and TaeTae put together the new Marvel puzzle Namjoonie-hyung got us? It's 1000 pieces!"

"Yeah, maybe after lunch?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung and Jimin agreed. Lunch was served shortly after, and everyone thanked the four who helped cook. Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung started to clean up once everyone was done eating.

Jungkook started picking up plates and garbage, until Yoongi walked over and gently grabbed his wrist to stop him from picking stuff up, "Take a break Kook-ah. You've been helping us all day, they can clean up." Jungkook looked to the clean up crew and they all agreed , "You should go start the puzzle, we'll be there soon," Taehyung gestured.

Dae stared in awe at the maknae. He couldn't understand how he was such a hard worker. He just wanted to bring him home and keep him to help him around his own house whenever needed.

Bring Jungkook Back! [Oneshot/Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now