Rules for All

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Theses rules are very dramatic so if the numbers are bold. Then those are serious ones you MUST follow for EVERY BOOK.

Prepare for the Prologue! Before we begin. Here are a few contexts/rules for to understand. cause it's a bit long.


1.) It's a first person point of view, The main character, From beginning to end no matter what happens, there won't be any change of scenery. For example: no helpy's POV or innocent boulder POV.


2.) I won't be shipping people, basically no Bryan x Molten or Lefty x pickles and so on.


3a.) You can't make a alternate book about this without my permission. Please PLEASE ask me in a private chat or comment "Chat in private, please" if you don't know how to start a private one.
I will agree, if you tell me what you are changing AND adding. Trust me I will not get mad. Just please tell me.

If i do give you permission, please credit me and this book in the description of your book where people can read if you are quoting or saying a scene that i did so they would understand.


4.) Be nice to others in the comments. No fighting, hating, correcting others, etc. I am not your mom and you aren't four year olds.


5.) If you want others to read the alternate book you've made with my permission you may ask while asking permission. So I can shout out your username


6a.) When any holiday is near. please tell me specifically which day it is the weeks prior and explain the history of it. The first person who tells me will have a chance to request what they want to happen in that chapter's special!

Nothing big like inserting yourself in, just a small appearance or a holiday special. Hiding it plain sight etc etc. I'll @ you at the end of the chapter.


7.) If you want you could have your OC (Two max) in with them to celebrate for that holiday special!


8.) No spamming or making two separate comments. You have to reply your own comment so i have less trouble reading what other might request my permission or have a question. If you don't know how to, just click the arrow to respond to your own comment. I will show an example in the comments.


9.) If I give you a sneak peek to apologise. Please do not spread it to everyone since you might spoil it for them if they like surprises. (Also I don't like giving spoilers to everyone cause once I start, I won't shut up. Just like how I'm making theses rules that people won't break. "I take it back - CN23 2020")


10.) Please enjoy this mess I am presenting to you all!


11.) Please correct my spelling mistakes if you find any.


12.) I have a real job which will definitely make me not going to update a whole lot so please keep in mind I cannot post as much to your heart contents.


Now who's ready?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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