Part 1

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I got the idea for this oneshot after reading Love and Other Inconveniences by Catsitta (on ao3), the story itself is great and I recomend you all go read it

and the description of this story is kinda based of [Rewrite] Brought Back To Live, in one of the future chapters Error mentions storys that he heard from the elders

Anyway in here Sans is the dragon and Red is up for some trouble. Let me know what you all think of it and if I should countinie this oneshot and make it a story!

In the old castle on top of the mountain everything seemed to be normal, the birds were singing, colorful magic flowers were blooming and growing outside. The sun was shining on the castles old walls covered in healthy green plants.

Expect that nothing was normal even if it seemed like it.

"Buddy do you not have eyes or something?? I'm not the princess you can't marry me." The dragon with beatiful blue scales glared at the stupid knight in dirty amor that had walked into the castle like he owned the place.

"Alright I get it you're the prince." The knight, named Red grins as he hides his sword and gets off his horse. Not only is he not the knight in the shining armor on a pale horse but he is the knight in dirty armor on a dark horse.

"I- No!" The dragon facepalms before getting up from his treasures and gold that he was laying on and going somewhere. He comes back with a skeleton monster in his giant hand, the monster is dressed in fancy clothes.

"Save me my knight!"

"You see that? This is a prince." Sans points at the person in his hand with one claw, the prince waves at the knight, then the dragon points at himself. "I'm a dragon, you're suppose to kill me and marry the prince."

The knights horse explores the castle and eats some grass that somehow managed to grow inside. Red looks at the prince with a bored expression before looking back at the dragon, comparing the two it seems. "Eh, I do rather marry you dragon."

The prince blinks before turning and looking at the dragon, his blue eye lights showing how confused and concerned he was. "Uh Sans can you put be back in the tower? I think this one is drunk."

"Here you go Blue." Sans gentely lifts the prince so that he can walk inside the tower through the open window and that is exactly what the young prince does.

The dragon pushes the knight out of the castle and does the same with the horse after he finds the animal, and then he closes the heavy wooden gate. "Don't come back."

He lays down on top of all his treasures and curls up before going to sleep. Suprisingly the night is peaceful with the moon shineing and stars glowing like fireflys. But the day after it I'sin't.

The idiot comes back with a lot of colorful flowers, people and dragging a big fish behind himself before putting those in front of Sans and grinning. "I brought gifts."

The dragon drags his hand across his face and exhales smoke in annoyance. The prince peeks out of the tower and  glares a bit from inside of it before the skeleton monsters that the knight brought catch his interest.

"Oh and I brought canditates that want to marry the prince." The knight clears his throat before walking to the first skeleton, his armor rattles as he walks and shows a skeleton in a crown dressed in fancy clothes.

"This is prince Dream, you can go out with him for a drink to the dreamberry bar or Dreamy Berry? Whatever the place was called." The prince does a litlle bow, not minding the poor introduction it seems, Red goes to another person.

"This is knight Dust, you can go collecting berrys with him, they might be covered in dust tho, dustberrys." Red chuckles a bit, the other knight does not bow, but he does glare at the dragon and take out his sword before sending a kiss to the prince.

"There was also Ink but before I menaged to blink he was no where in sight. " Red shrugs before hiding his sword and walking closer to the dragon. "You wanna go out after battleing them?"

the knight and the dragonWhere stories live. Discover now