Chapter 1

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The Plan

"Get back here!" Vanessa commanded, her breathing ragged as she tried to catch up with the speedy Map Bot. Apparently, the map bot had spooked Vanessa as she entered the second floor from the elevator and is trying to teach the fleeing robot a lesson.

"Now's the chance!" Said Chica towards Roxy, who nodded with agreement, Roxy held multiple scrap parts while Chica firmly gripped on a blueprint of some sorts.

Both female animatronics began to sneak their way onto the escalator leading down to the main floor. Freddy had informed that both of them should be in his room by now.

"Free map!" Said the Map Bot as it continued to zoom through the second floor, Vanessa is still trying to catch the bot but to no avail, she soon landed onto one of the benches and began to relax herself out, catching her breathing and she could feel sweat sticking onto her uniform.

"One day.. I'll g-get you!" Vanessa huffed.

"There you guys are! I thought you two were caught by Vanessa." Monty immediately voiced out his concern, the lime-green retro gator then opened the door to Freddy's room, the two females entered first and followed behind by Monty.

"Well, we were close to getting caught! If it ain't for that aggressive map bot then we would've been doomed." Chica sighed, placing down the blueprints onto the table.

"What are we building here by the way?" Roxy asked in genuine curiosity as she watched Freddy looking at the scrapped parts that she's holding and onto the blueprints that sat there unmoving.

"You'll find it out soon enough but for now, we lack more materials and we can't head back tonight, Vanessa might be looking out through the cams and would've spotted us. You three can head back inside your rooms while I'll try and figure out where to hide these." Freddy explained, he then picked up the blueprint as the others murmured their agreement before leaving the bright and colorful room of Freddy's

"This.. might take a while but it'll be worth it!" Freddy smiled happily upon the blueprint's contents, his eyes beginning to scan and capture the words and procedures.

"Rock on!" Monty yelled through the microphone, causing a vast of children to cheer their excitement as the main characters continued to play their song, despite it being the same over and over again, the four of them enjoy the attention that they are getting from the children. Roxy seems to very much adore the attention.

It is a very busy day today in the PizzaPlex, children can be seen everywhere, playing with games, chasing each other around and even in the Daycare where Sun is currently overwhelmed with a bunch of children as he tries his best to give everyone the best time.

Some of the adults can be seen lounging around in the Faz-Pad while others treat their children with some passes to access certain areas that they wanna go!

Freddy could only sigh in relief as the stage show was over, children continued to cheer and chant the members' name.

That was the queue and the four of them hopped off the stage and began to communicate with the children, taking photos with their Faz-Cams and giving away Faz-Watches to a few lucky kids.

The kids screamed in such joy as they finally get to meet their idols up close and personal and the main four enjoyed every single second of it.

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