Chapter One

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Rhiannon threw on a simple black dress that went to the top of her knees. It was form fitting to show off her new Fae body that she still hadn't gotten use to. She brushed though her light brown hair and quickly braided it and headed down for breakfast.

She dreaded eating with the others for every meal and would prefer to eat alone in her room, but Feyre told her that she needed to be more "social". And plus, Lucien would be here after lunch today. She felt guilty about being excited over another male that isn't her mate, but since Azriel had ignored her for so long.. She couldn't help but feel bad for Lucien too. She hated seeing him follow Elain around like a lost puppy. And she knew it hurt him to see how close Elain had gotten to Azriel because it hurt her too.

As she walked down the stairs she mentally prepared herself for another meal with her family. She dreaded seeing Elain and Azriel make
little glances at each other that she knew were anything but innocent. She guessed Rhys knew about the whole situation, but wasn't sure. But she had never told anyone about who her mate was. She stopped right outside of the dinning room doors and took a deep breath.

As she walked in the first thing she seen made her sick the her stomach. Elain and Azriel were sitting next to each other, as usual, but today Elain's arm was locked around Azriel's. She stopped and almost debuted on leaving and going back up to her room. Nuala and Cerridwen would make sure to bring her a plate- just as she turned to walk away Rhysand spoke her name.

"Rhiannon, good morning. We were waiting on you so we could start breakfast." He said. And She sent him a smile. But she couldn't help but notice how fast her sister and so called mate tore their arms away from each other at the mention of her name.

Cassian sighs in relief "It's about damn time you showed up. I'm starving."

"Shut up Cass. You're not going to starve" says Mor, then she pulls the chair out next to her and says, "Here Rhi, you can sit next to me."

I eagerly take the set next to Mor happy that it's at the opposite end of the table as Azriel and Elain.

"Well let's eat then." Feyre says. And all kinds of different foods show up on the table in front of them.

"Finally" mumbles Cassian which grants him a kick from Nesta.

Rhiannon fills her plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and a blueberry muffin. Breakfast had never been her favorite meal of the day. But she will need the strength for training with Feyre and Rhysand today. Her powers are still undeveloped and she trains almost every day with her sister. They focus mostly on her daemati and winnowing powers which she had received from both Rhysand and Feyre.

There is small conversation throughout the table as they eat. Amren is the first to leave. Followed by Nasta and Cassian, then Mor. Leaving Rhiannon at the table with the High Lord and Lady, Elain and Azriel.

"Rhi, I was thinking we could train at the clearing today. Maybe practice more on your winnowing." Says Feyre. 

"Okay. Let me go change, I'll meet you back down here in ten minutes." Rhiannon replies and stands up from her seat and heads back up to her room to change into a more comfortable outfit.

She decides to put on a pair of black leggings and a cream colored sweater that hangs off one shoulder. She never was one for fashion and was grateful for Mor when it came to shopping. She sits down on the edge of her bed and pulls on a pair of black boots. Rhiannon then heads back down to meet Feyre and Rhys.

"That was eleven minutes, Rhiannon." Rhysand says with a smile.

Rhiannon returns the smile and Rhys winnows the three of them to the clearing in the woods that he had warded off.

"Okay Rhi, do your usual warm ups. And then I wasn't you to try to reach into Feyre's mind while winnowing." Rhys said.

Rhiannon winnows to each corner of the clearing. Then stands in the middle of the clearing facing Feyre. Rhiannon then reaches out with her mind into her sisters head. She reaches Feyre's mental wall and she opens it slightly and says "Good job Rhi!" Then closes it back. They carry on with the rest of their training. And winnow back to the River house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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