Chapter 33

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Luissa National Airport Center

"Miss"kata seorang lelaki bersut hitam menyambut kedatangan Sha.

"Let's go now"arah Sha lalu mereka masuk ke dalam pesawat peribadi diikuti oleh bodyguard Sha di belakang.

"Alice,how the progress at there?"Soal Sha kepada setiausahanya.

"It's doesn't work well at there"balas Alice.

"How we can lose our investor?"Soal Sha kepada Alice.

"They said that you aren't there like you don't care about this big project that should we work together"balas Alice.

"How they can think that I don't care about this project!?This is too stupid excuses!"Marah Sha.

"I'm sorry miss.We couldn't discuss with them  without you.They want you to meet them and discuss about them"kata Alice meminta maaf.

"Ok.Haihh....."keluh Sha sambil mengurut-urut  kepalanya lalu menyandarkan badannya di sofa.

Di sintuasi Roses

"Weyy,Sha ok je kan?Aku tengok dia gelisah semacam je."Soal Atin risau dengan kawannya itu.

"Insyaalllah,die ok je.Jangan fikir bukan ii lah"balas Ain menenangkan Atin.

"Kite nak uruskan Crystal Eagle ni bile?"Soal Ana.

"Kalau ikutkan Sha,kite akan buat lusa"balas Ain.

Sha pov

"Cakap jela yang kau nak jumpa aku ni buat macam ii Hal pulak.Haihhh..."keluhku dalam hati sambil melihat pemandangan untuk menenangkan hati.

Ouh,korang nak tahu ke emergency ape sampai aku kene terbang pergi Australia ni?Aku bagitahu yang aku ni sekarang dah start uruskan company aku sendiri nama company aku SilverSure.Aku start handle company ni ganti ayah aku Tengku Shahrul Izman.Ayah aku ni just uruskan company yang dalam negara je.Yang Kat luar negara aku dengan adik kembarku yang handle.

Masalahnye sekarang pelabur untuk projek besar dekat Australia ni x nak melabur tiba ii sebab aku x de nak bincang dekat situ.Ape punya alasanlah diorang ni.Haihh...Bagi aku sakit hati adelah,macam lah aku x uruskan benda ni langsung waktu duduk dekat dalam negara.Nak Kena tunjuk depan mata ke baru nak puas hati.Aduh...(ノ`⌒´)ノ

Sorry ii,sebab emosi sikit.Hehe.Para readers jangan Marah tau?◉‿◉

End pov


"Miss Shafikah"kata seorang lelaki yang menyambut Sha.

"Let's go"arah Sha lalu masuk ke dalam perut kereta.

"Yes,Miss"balas lelaki itu akur.

"Just go to the SS company right now. Don't need to stop at hotel"arah Sha kepada pemandunya.

"Ok,miss"balas pemandu Sha."

"Hanry(lelaki yang sambut Sha tadi dekat lapangan terbang),how it is going right now?"Soal Sha kepada Hanry.

"They still doesn't want to invest to our project, but if you talk to them,maybe they can think about this again."balas Hanry panjang lebar.

"Okay"kata Sha faham.

Silver sure Company

"Welcome, Miss"sambut staff syarikat lalu diterima dengan anggukan Sha

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"Welcome, Miss"sambut staff syarikat lalu diterima dengan anggukan Sha.

"Go to the meeting room"arah Sha kepada stafnya.

"Why they don't want to invest to our project?"Soal Sha serius.

"Alex and us go to talk to them to discuss about this project but they don't stop asked you to coming to the meeting.We tried our best to solve this problem but they still want you to go to this meeting."terang salah seorang co-worker yang turut serta menguruskan projek itu.

"Haihh....Alice,Try convince them to other meeting.I will talk to them."arah Sha kepada Alice.

"Okay,Miss"balas Alice menerima arahan Sha.

"We stop this meeting here,thank you for your hard work"kata Sha lalu mereka bersurai dari bilik mesyuarat.

"Miss,They want to discuss about this again.They will send us locatian and time"kata Alice.

"Okay,Thank you Alice"kata Sha.

"Welcome"balas Alice lalu berlalu keluar dari pejabat Sha.

Author note:

Sorry kalau pronounce English tu x betul.Author bukannye pandai sangat English ni.Kalau Ade typo ke ape ke sorry ekk?
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