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"Cold days, cold heart. Never let a snake in or they will tare it apart."

☞︎ 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎: 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡-𝑖𝑠ℎ

𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸 𝐵𝐼𝑃𝑂𝐿𝐴𝑅~ 𝑙𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑎 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠'𝑝𝑜𝑣.

Durmstrang. A school I loved, genuinely. Even though my actions got me expelled. I still loved the feeling I felt when I was there. The freedom was intoxicating. I could run around the halls for hours and never get bored or tired. My hunger for popularity and love was the problem. I would tell lies about people and make fake proof just to add on to the story. I would make horrible jokes and hurt others just to climb another rung up this social ladder.

"You never cared!"

"She needed you!"

"And you left!"

"This is your fault!"

My parents yelled at each other, ruining my train of thought. I packed my leather bag full of robes and books I've gathered from Diagon Alley. The cold stone floor hurting my feet, I sit down on my bed to rid the pain. I continue to push the yelling out of my head and close my bag after shoving the last bit of clothes in it.
"Now, she has to go to the old worn out school which doesn't even produce good wizards!"

"How will she learn anything!"

"Just shut up!"

I stare off into the distance and let the yells and screams seep back into my mind. I wonder if the people at Hogwarts will like me? I wonder if I'm worthy of being there? Will this change my-



My thoughts where cut of by the the sound of my phone chiming. I turn over on my stomach and lay down in the bed, reaching my arm down and picking my phone up off the charger. I turn on my phone and shield my eyes from the being blue light beaming off of it. I see I got two messages from my best friend, Athena.

'' at 10:21pm
"Hey, when are you heading to Hogwarts?"

'' at 10:21pm
"Is it the same time we leave for durm? Idk tbh"

Leona at 10:24pm
"Yeah, basically the same. I have to go to a weird train station and walk through a brick wall to get to a "secret" platform called 9 3/4 which will lead me to a train that will take me to Hogwarts. Along with the other students."

'' at 10:26pm
"That's a lot...way more work than to just apparate there..."

Leona at 10:27pm
"Mhm, Ik. But I gtg. It's about a 2 hour drive to get to London. Ily bye!"

'' at 10:27pm

"Ugh!" I sigh as I roll over and lay on my back, looking up at the lace canopy hanging over my bed. My parents have stopped arguing by now and are probably not on speaking terms. Seeing that as an opportunity to go speak to my father like he wanted me to earlier.

I stand up, tripping slightly over the silk comforter that falls a little off my bed. I walk to the door and walk to my dad who I assume is in his overly large office finishing work. The door to his office was already a jar, hinting of his presence. I inch closer to the door and open it, his eyes diverting to his papers to me in the door frame.

"Yes?" He asks, placing his pen down on top of a stack of black and green folders and crossing his arms. "I heard from mom that you asked to talk to me?..." I say back, surprised to have his full attention. "Ah yes, right. I wanted to speak to you about rules." He says leaning back a little in his chair and propping his feet up on his desk. "Rules?" I ask, curious to what he means. "Yes rules, Leona. Rules you will need to follow while at Hogwarts," he starts. "Number one, always complete your work on time. I need no owls perching at my window, tapping their beaks on the glass, annoying the h/// out of me only to get a letter saying my daughter is failing her classes," I go to speak but he quickly moves on. "Number 2, no trouble making! And I mean this, Leona bones! I don't need the head master sending me a letter saying they've expelled you!," his voice his raised a little. I open my mouth to speak once more but I am again met with not place to speak. "Number 3, only nice boys! I don't want you to have a boyfriend who treats you like sh//! Don't go for one that give you butterflies! Don't go for one who only wants you for your body! Go for a man who makes you feel safe, protected and loved. Do you understand all of these rules, Leona?" He asks.

"Yes sir, I do."


𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑝𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑚 ("𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙠")Where stories live. Discover now