The box

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I was sitting at a bus stop when a little girl came up to me and gave me a small box. It started trembling in my hands but when I looked up to ask her what it was, she disappeared.

"Wha-" I said looking up to where the little girl was sitting. I was about to ask what was in the box, but as I blinked she disappeared. I looked all around, but no one was there on this stormy day. The box started shaking rapidly in my hands enough to make me almost drop it. I gripped the box tightly, knowing whatever is in this box shouldn't be opened in the open.

I unzipped my raincoat, covering the box. Luckily the bus just arrived, so I scurried onto the bus as calmly as possible. I sat at the back of the bus away from the other few people. The box still trembling in my hands as I sat quietly wishing the bus would hurry up. This box could be dangerous for all I know, I must get home now!

The bus sign announced that they would be arriving soon at S Washers Street. A sudden bright light and a loud thud came from the box. It started to slow down its shaking. I stood up quickly as I rushed to the door, this stop is close to home. The bus stopped, jerking me forwards a bit. As the doors opened I ran as fast as I could until I reached my front porch.

I dropped my keys a couple times because of how much I was in a rush to get inside. Finally I unlocked the door rushing in and slamming it shut. The box started shaking a bit again, so I kicked off my shoes and forcefully threw my jacket in the coat hook.

My feet tripped on the carpet, the box flew out of my hands, landing on the kitchen table. Since I live alone on my own property, there won't be any complaints about loud noises and animals, so whatever comes out of this box is my problem. I unraveled my raincoat from around the box, dripping rain water on the rug.

The box wasn't much, just a simple sky blue with a sunflower field. It was in petty good condition except the top corners were scraped up, rubbing the paint off to leave brown spots there. It weirdly smelled like lavender and chocolate. I could hear a whistling sound coming from it, like the wind.

The box isn't the only thing shaking now. I reached for the cover of the box slowly. Counting to three in my head, I pulled the cover off. A huge gust of wind and a very bright light came gushing out. I was knocked off my feet by how powerful the wind was. It calmed down and I stood up, looking into the box.

It was like a galaxy! There were stars twinkling everywhere and more planets than I could count. Lots of space rocks and meteors, moons surrounding planets. Rings circling around in every direction and speed around planets.

My hair was standing tall by the cold wind gushing out, my eyes lit up, making my pale blue eyes turn into two minnie galaxies. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. How? Why? What? Is this real? Why did the little girl give this to me? Where did the girl go? Where does this galaxy lead to? So many questions are circling around in my head. All unanswered.

I stared at the box for a while. Spacing out a bit. I decided what to do with the box. It was risky and I'd probably end up dead but you never know. Life is only fun with some risk, and my life isn't all that great anyway. So I reached for the center of the box. It wasn't clear if this was an optical illusion or a picture, maybe it was real. It all depends on my finger.

Cautiously reaching forward the box. Suddenly my finger was cold, but not freezing. There wasn't a bottom! I was reaching into a box without a bottom. It was freighting so I pulled my hand away. There was definitely a bottom when I was carrying it. I picked the box up to look at the bottom. It was all blue, except there was a name on it.

It said "Emelia's box of stars." Did this person make this box? Was it that little girl from the bus stop? I put it down, staring into the blue abbis. How is this real? What kind of supernatural power did this "Emelia" have?

I went to the other room to grab a jacket because what I did next was unbelievable. Diving head first into the box, I thought I wouldn't fit but I just slid right in. it was really the galaxy, it was chilly but not freezing, and there wasn't any gravity.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed with excitement. Floating around in here was easy, like swimming in a pool. I observed my surroundings, it was beautiful. I have always loved galaxies and stars from a young age.

Floating around I happened to notice I wasn't alone. There was this person floating about. They seemed as though they were sleeping. I swam over to them, waking them. They observed me as I observed them. She had a flower crown on her head. The flowers were sunflowers!

"Hello?" I said nervously. It was silent for a couple minutes.

"Hi, my name is Emelia. Do I know you?" She asked in a low leveled tone.

"Are you the Emelia that made this box full of galaxies?"

"Yes. I'm guessing Abby brought you here, am I wrong?"

"Sorry who?"

"Her," Emelia snapped her fingers and there appeared the little girl from the bus stop, "This is Abby, I believe she gave you the box?"

"Wait, you are the little girl that disappeared!"

"Yeah sorry, that's a side effect when you pass it on." Abby said as she gave off an awkward sorry laugh.

"What is this place?" I asked Emelia.

"This is my world. A world I created to get away from the real world. I always loved to look at the stars and wanted to be an astronaut. But because of the harsh world, I never got to do that." Emelia answered, frowning.

"I'm sorry."

"No no don't worry. This world has created a get away for several people who have gone through something similar."

"There are more people here?!" Emelia closed her eyes for a second and clapped very loudly. Person after person started appearing. There were 5 or so people standing around me.

"Oh yes, all these people wanted to get away from the real world. Knowing their life there wasn't suited for them. All of them have passed the box down to someone new."

"Is the real world still an option for me?"

"Is that what you really want? The box was given to you because it knew you are not enjoying your time on earth." I struggled to answer her. Do I really want to go back? There's no one to go back to. I'm about to lose my house for financial reasons. I might as well stay here.

"What about my house? Will I have to go back to sell it or move out my stuff?" I asked.

"If you commit to this world, the outside will fix itself. Your stuff will disappear and the house is back to the retailer."

"May I look around for a little while longer before I decide?"

"Yes of course." Emelia answered with a gentle smile.

Do I really want to stay? It is a good opportunity... Floating around the galaxy, talking to some people along the way is the way I spent my day. But I had to give an answer. I thought long and hard about it and my answer is.

"I would like to stay!" I told Emelia.


"Yes. I have thought long and hard about it and this is my result."

"Ok then. Just think about the new life you will live and snap your fingers." I snapped my fingers and all of it came rushing through. Gusts of wind coming in from several directions. The stars twinkling bright. My new journey begins here, a new beginning! 

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