Part 1

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Quirk: Sensory enhancement

Midoriya walked into his room and sat you down.

"Y/n I need to tell you something" Midoriya said sitting across from you.


"I'm... oh god... I'm sp-spider-man" Midoriya umbled.

You nodded your head and covered your mouth trying not to laugh. You've known for a while because your quirk allows you to sense power in people but never brought it up. After a while of holding it in you bursted out laughing.

"Wha-what?!" Midoriya yelled.

"Izuku, love, I've known for a while" you said through laughter.

"HOW?!" He screamed standing up.

You laughed even harder "My fucking quirk dummy"

Midoriya sat back down and ran his hand through his hair, looking distraught. "How could I be so stupid" he mumbled repeatedly.

You stopped laughing and went over to Midoriya.

"Still thanks for telling me," you said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He snapped out of his daze and kissed you back. You both laid on his bed and cuddled for a while.

You got a text from your mom telling you to come home. You kissed Midoriya goodbye and walked home.

You got home and said hello to your birthgiver. She gave you a hug and asked how Midoriya was.

"Oh he's doing great" you said trying to go to your room.

"and his mother?"

"Great" you said walking away.

Your mom stopped you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

You got to your room and laid on the bed. You covered your eyes and sighed. You got up and decided to shower.

You got out and put on shorts and an oversized T-shirt. You dried your hair off and went to sit on your bed. You laid on your phone when you heard tapping. You turned to your window and saw Midoriya.

You opened the window.

"Love what are you doi-" He covered your mouth and got onto your bed and took off his mask.

"Is your dad home?" He said, looking you in the eyes.

You shook your head. Midoriya took his hand off your mouth and smiled.

He held out his hand "C'mon I wanna take you somewhere," he put back on his mask as he waited for you to take his hand.

You hesitantly took his hand.

"Where are we going?" you asked while crawling out the window.

"You'll see" he grabbed you and started swinging through the air.

You clung on tight and shut your eyes. You could hear him laughing. With every swing your stomach drop. After a while you felt him stop and put you down. You slowly opened your eyes to see you were on a building.

Midoriya slipped off his mask. "So what do you think?"

He walked over to you and waited for a response.

"It's amazing!" you said walking over to Midoriya.

He smiled and kissed you. You kissed him back. You pulled away from the kiss and smiled.

You and Midoriya stayed there for a while. You both were laying on the roof when you got a call.


"Where the hell are you?!"

You looked at Midoriya horrified.

"Um in my room?"

"Come home now." your dad hung up.

Midoriya looked scared. "Was that your dad?"

You nodded. Midoriya quickly put on his mask and grabbed you. He swung you to your front door.

He went back to his house and you walked into yours. Your dad stood there looking furious while your mom looked relieved.

"Where the hell did you go?!" Your dad yelled

You fidgeted with your fingers as you tried to think of an excuse.

"I went on a walk," you said quietly.

"A walk eh? Did you happen to go with anyone?" Your dad folded his arms.

"Nope" you said a little more confidently.

"I don't believe you" you started to be more scared.

"Honey, stop interrogating Y/n" you mom turned to you "you can go to your room sweetie"

You nodded and started walking to your room. "Go to bed!" your dad yelled as you were walking.

You closed your door and got into your bed. You turned to your window and started to fall asleep. You were thinking about where Midoriya took you when you finally fell asleep.

You woke up to your mom gently shaking you awake.

"I made you breakfast," she said softly, smiling.

You yawned and got out of bed and followed your mom to the kitchen. You sat down and started eating your breakfast. You were halfway done when Midoriya texted you.

(Love <3)

L: You should come over today

Y/n: I'll try

L: Mkay :D

You put down your phone and finished eating.

"Hey mom can I go over to Izuku's today"

Your mom stopped cooking the food.

"Oh honey I don't care but you're gonna have to ask your father" she went back to cooking.

You nodded.

Your dad came into the kitchen and sat down across from you. Your mom gave him his food and he started eating.

"Hey dad, can I maybe go over to Izuku's today?"

"Why do you need to go?" he said, staring at his food.

"To hang out? What else?"

"Sure fine whatever" he looked at his phone and put it down.

You got up and kissed your mom goodbye and walked out the door. You texted Midoriya telling him you were on his way. You passed Bakugou's house and sighed.

You got to Midoriya's place and walked in. You said hello to Inko and went into Midoriya's room.

You found him on his bed and jumped onto him.

"Ooh" Midoriya groaned in pain.

You laughed as you got off of him. You kissed his cheek as you both laughed.

You laid down next to him. You talked about things that were going on in life and what happened last night.

"Oh my god" you said sitting up.

"Wha-what?" Midoriya said, looking up at you.

"You should try to get into UA!"

"What? No I can't everyone still thinks I'm quirkless"

"No, not into the hero course! Like support or something" You exclaimed.

"You know. That's a good idea but you should try with me"

You nodded and hugged him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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