Chapter 1

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Before the curse upon vampires that made the creatures lash out or rip open the necks of the people with a heart beat they could hear from a mile away, created by the one and only
Esther mikealson after her beloved son came home with the claw scratches of a beast, that was human one night than a wolf the other,
across his chest bleeding out while he suffers for another breathe of air that he couldn't reach. She turned nature behind her back by using the most darkest magic in the book to make her children immortal so she wouldn't have to go through the pain of seeing another one of her children die infront of her eyes.

She wanted them to be immortal

But she went behind natures back

And magic always has a cost

They turned into blood sucking monsters, reaching their fangs to almost every person in town

As I said almost

Their was a girl that klaus mikealson couldnt even kill , it was his first love , his only love , the only person he would ever love

They fell for each other almost instantly and had been best friends since they where 13, they found peace and happiest with one and other

They where kindred spirits

Two so much in love they would do everything and anything just to have them standing by one and other

From slaughtering any man who looked her way

Giving the girl everything she could ever desire

She won the heart of the famous hybrid

And her name

Was Erica silver


Mystic falls was the place where "nothing bad happened" according to elena Gilbert the innocent doubleganger who knew nothing except for the love for Stefan Salvatore and the only bad thing that happened was the wicker bridge accident where her adoptive parents crashed in a car that lead to everything
The existence of elena wouldn't have been known by Stefan if the car hadn't been trailing to the bottom of the whickery bridge river where the vampire heard and dived in only to see a girl who he swore he once knew except ....  she was a human
She survived and carried on living except her life had Stefan in it following by Damon Salvatore (Stefans brother) who swore to always make stefans life a living hell as long as his heart wasn't ripped out his chest

Damon became obsessed with elena as you could say, but only because she looked like Katherine who was trapped under ground where no one knew trying to hold herself steady as the blood lust became worse every day she was stuck under their. She couldn't get out because of the witch spell

And it tormented her everyday, she wasn't the only one in their though  

So technically everything bad happened as soon as the crash happened 

Elenas perfect life suddenly wasn't so perfect anymore

And after all the adventurous events the mystic fall gang has had

Someone had come to play a game

And he's the big bad hybrid out to get the Salvatore girl

But again if "nothing bad happened" in mystic fall explain why klaus mikealson was out to get her blood for the curse that was soon to come across the world 

And on top of that since 1919 klaus hasn't been himself , he's been more of a monster as ever since the one he longed for had her heart ripped out by the one he was running away from

Everything bad happens in mystic falls

But only to the weak that where soon to be deceased 

The strong ones survive in the end


(Hello everyone this is the start of the story I'm writing it's a klaus mikealson fanfic if you couldn't already tell , this is the only chapter I'm writing until I'm finished with the whole thing so it might take a while but I hope you like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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