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TOPIC: Day 7

The days were getting longer, I could feel it. 

It was day 7 into quarantine and I could feel my mind starting to drift every few minutes at this point, there was no keeping myself occupied at this point in time. My eyes followed the slight movement I caught out the window.

'Well would you look at that, it's snowing aga-,' Crap, it happened again. 

As I was saying, the first two to three days were bearable. It was rather refreshing to be able to sleep in and catch up on some TV shows and sleep in. Sleeping after midnight and getting up past 7:30 was a blessing in itself, not to mention I didn't even have to get up and get ready for the day. I spent each day cozied up in pajamas and lounging on my couch snuggled up with some hot tea, a cozy blanket and my three dogs laying on or next to me. I very much enjoyed the snuggles. After watching multiple episodes and laying on my couch for days though started to hit me, HARD. Not only was my body starting to get sore for not moving for long periods of time (I'm normally such a busybody), but I was slowly reaching a state of utter boredom. I would switch between shows for the first few days. Sometimes I'd switch it up and read or play on my phone or scroll through Snapchat or Tiktok for hours but there is only so much a person can do for multiple days. 

Each day was getting longer and longer as I was running out of both motivation to do anything and willingness to do nothing. 

This continued on till today, day 7; an end point of a week and yet a beginning to another. There is no end in sight to the madness called lockdown.

At this point I'm going to end up engaging in some acts that I am not willing to do at all, mainly the dishes. Cleaning is the worst but what else is there to do for someone who has no friends, is an introvert, and is lazy but bored. 

Welp, I think I've thought too much about how to spend the day. Let's go take a nap and think more later after lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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